April 15, 2010
Welcome home, everyone. Welcome home...
Hmmm...where do I start....
4 Bosses. 1 Boss per Corner of the room. Each giving off a unique debuff. Usually, 2 dps will be in back of the room, "tanking" the back 2, with a healer-- and switching every 2 stacks of the debuff (healer chooses which side to start on, and heals the other dps in passing).
MT and main dps/healer composition start in front left, and Nuke whats-his-nuts to the floor.... OT tanks in front right, and if dps cant down whats-his-nuts, then they switch places w/ OT at 3 stacks. Bosses in front get downed first, then raid runs to back and does the same thing, switching every 2-3 stacks.
Ranged/Heals should think Kel'Thuzad on this fight. Use [/distance] and stay 10 yds away from everyone, so they don't have to run from debuff...means more dps time on boss.
Pay attention on this one-- Grobbulus will be kited around the room, usually counter clockwise, along a metal grate on the floor as a path. Tank will start on left side of the room, the raid on the right. DPS will run long way around to position themselves behind Grob (heals in middle), and will be constantly moving.
NEVER step in front of Grob...it will spawn slime adds that will need to be OT'd and will cause a wipe. Grob targets a random raid member with "Mutating Injection." THIS CAN NOT BE DISPELLED! When you get this debuff, you will run behind the raid to a wall and wait for the debuff to dispel itself. Stay out of poison clouds and you'll be ok.Gluth:Big Dog.
MT & OT: will both tank Gluth at the back of the room, his ass to the raid. Gluth gives a stacking debuff, so tanks will cycle taunt every 2-3 stacks.
DPS/Heals: will be behind gluth pounding away...dps damages, heals, well heals.
Kiter: skeleton adds will spawn at back...they cant be killed, and if they hit you, gives you a very bad stacking debuff...these need to be kited as far back as possible, and they can be rooted, snared, frost trapped, etc...
All dps will be on boss until Decimate, then all dps will run back and burn down adds as fast as possible...if they reach Gluth, he's healed significantly, so its pretty much a wipe.
This is a DBM fight all the way...
Raid is broken into 2 halves for the first phase--two adds that must die at the same time. DBM will show health for both, so that both sides can keep track. Tanks will get thrown from one side, to another, and must make sure to taunt after they have switched places.
Once the adds go down, you will jump from the platform, to where Thaddius is located. It is possible to miss and fall down. Make sure you make the jump, and if you don't, just sit back and watch. Trying to get back will likely cause a wipe.
When you get the charge, you will move either to the Right Side (+) or Left Side (-) ...failing to be in the right spot will do massive damage. He casts Polarity Shift every 30-40 seconds, and your charge will either change or remain the same (DBM will tell you). If your polarity changes, you will run directly through Thaddius to the opposite side.
Boss Vids:
Note: Guild Strat for Thaddius is Right Side Positive (+) and Left Side Negative (-)
Heigan the Unclean
The. Dance.
For this one, Tank will tank Heigan in the front right, and all healers and casters will be in the far left to avoid the debuff. Heigan will teleport every 60 sec...and the dance ensues.
Tank and spank with spores. Spores spawn and give dps a crit boost, but gives tank threat reduction if they get it. Tank on one side, dps on other, wait for spores to come by dps, then kill for bonus.
Healers are faced with an aura that only allows them a 3 second window to land heals...meaning that heals can't land while debuff is active, but you can start casting if heal will land after debuff fades. Big heals to top off tanks, and raid heals to go around....all in 3 seconds.
Other than that..easy street.
BOSS Vids:
Grand Widow Faerlina:
Ok. Pay attention on this one =)
Faerlina has 4 adds with her at the beginning. OT will start by pulling them all together, and MT will taunt Faerlina off. but keep her close to adds. All dps will be on faerlina, but adds will be marked with a kill order. When she enrages, all dps will turn to the first add (worshipper) and will kill the add to silence her enrage. It is important not to use AoE's or cleaves that might accidentally kill the adds prematurely. Faerlina gives off a dispellable poison to 5 closest to her; this needs to be dispelled, and healed through, but doesnt do a whole lot of dmg. Adds do a reign of fire AoE, real easy to step out of.
Now the fun begins...
Big Spider. Wraps everyone up every minute or so, and will randomly shoot-wrap someone across the room. One person will be in charge of breaking the webs, and heals should heal the person inside. At 30% Maexxna does an enrage, to help counter this, dps will back off and allow themselves to be web wrapped right before the 30%, then burn her down as fast as possible.Key Notes: MT will be taking a decent amount of damage, and will be receiving poison that must be dispelled. Healers will need to top off MT right before webwrap, since they wont be able to cast while webbed. OT will AoE small spiders every 40 seconds they only take 1 or 2 shots.
BOSS Vids:
Grand Widow Faerlina