In 10 man, Ignis can seem like a big cluster*#$! when you're in the middle of the fight.
To make things a little more simple, I've spoken to a few people, and read up on the widely accepted strats for the fight.
Here they are in order of my liking them:
Healer Aggro:

Basically, All Ranged and Heals stand on the ledge of the pool behind the iron constructs. MT will path Ignis' Scorches linearly so he is always in LOS. OT still runs adds through scorch, where they are rooted/snared, and then the OT backs off.
Once molten, aggro drops from the constructs, and will aggro to healers--but because of the deisgn of the layout, the only way to get to them is to run through the pool. Once they hit the pool and turn brittle, ranged can take them out without problem, and the OT is already safe to pick up another.
DPS race. Ignis tanked so that scorches disappear in pools. OT holds adds for duration of fight.
Nuke him down. Only have about 4 minutes.

MT rotates Ignis so that he scorches in a semi circle (counter clockwise). Raid stays behind, then moves to open ground after 3rd scorch hits. OT still scorches adds.
Old Faithful

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