Military/Deathknight Quarter
Instructor Razuvious

This is a simple tank and spank with one exception: Tanks will be mind-controlling the understudies around Razuvious to tank. These purple crystals you see here are clicked-on to make an understudy your pet. Once the tanks are holding threat, DPS will nuke away, and heals will keep Understudies up. So let's talk about the tanking rotations.
The understudies have 3 abilities, bone shield, strike, and taunt.
MT: Boneshield, Taunt, Strike and right before taunt runs out,
OT: Boneshield, Taunt, Strike....and then back to MT when OT's taunt starts to run out.
The problem w/ MC is that it only lasts so long. Every other rotation, the Tank not aggro-ing Razuvious must quickly "dismiss" pet, and then click on the crystal to pick it up again. Simple. =)
Gothik the Harvester
There are two rooms: Life and Death. The main room that you enter is life side, and the room to the right is the dead side. Basically, the raid will split into 2- half on life, half on dead-- Adds will first spawn on lifes side, and then once killed, will spawn on dead's.
Generally, they spawn from skeleton piles, so raid is generally against wall opposite of them. Once the gate adjoining the 2 rooms opens, one group runs over to the group that Gothik's at, and nukes away... good times.

4 Horseman
Hmmm...where do I start....
4 Bosses. 1 Boss per Corner of the room. Each giving off a unique debuff. Usually, 2 dps will be in back of the room, "tanking" the back 2, with a healer-- and switching every 2 stacks of the debuff (healer chooses which side to start on, and heals the other dps in passing).
MT and main dps/healer composition start in front left, and Nuke whats-his-nuts to the floor.... OT tanks in front right, and if dps cant down whats-his-nuts, then they switch places w/ OT at 3 stacks. Bosses in front get downed first, then raid runs to back and does the same thing, switching every 2-3 stacks.

Boss Vids:
4 Horseman:
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