I jumped into some BG's in my quest blues, and my waraxe from ampitheatre...and got my ass handed to me. For a good part of the morning, all I could do was curse.
Then something cool happened. I started getting invites to Heroics by Gnomes and Di, and suddenly the game took a whole different turn. I loved running heroics. I loved the challenge, and I still do now. We had a solid 10 running Naxx-10, learning to raid together, and gearing up--and on patch day, about 7 pm when the realms started coming back up, we headed into Ulduar, together, for the first time. Epic battles ensued, and I dunno how many wipes later we defeated leviathan after figuring it out on our own. It was a good feeling.
At this point in the game, raiding is all I want to do. It's a challenge. And by my standards, being able to not only finish a raid, but destroy it, is my goal. I don't care about loot. Although it's nice to see new items, and freshen up my character--my aim is to take every single boss down, and prove that I am the best.
There are some others in the guild that share the same sentiments: Kal, Stone, Di, Darth, Vic...I know all of these guys are in it to the end. And even some of the newer faces are making tremendous effort (Chi Chi and Whoa). Anyway, I hope that soon your efforts pay off for you =)

[Naxx25- Razuvious...notice who's on top]
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