Spider Quarter
First boss of the arachnid quarter. Typically, Tank will pull Anub back to the entrance, where he will remain for the duration of the fight. All ranged dps and heals will move to center circle in middle of room at max range. Anub will spawn a Locust Swarm, and spawn an add at the back of the room. All melee will run back to center, OT will pick up add, and all dps will take add down. MT will need to be healed during the swarm. Once add is down, all dps will re-focus on Anub.
Grand Widow Faerlina:
Ok. Pay attention on this one =)
Faerlina has 4 adds with her at the beginning. OT will start by pulling them all together, and MT will taunt Faerlina off. but keep her close to adds. All dps will be on faerlina, but adds will be marked with a kill order. When she enrages, all dps will turn to the first add (worshipper) and will kill the add to silence her enrage. It is important not to use AoE's or cleaves that might accidentally kill the adds prematurely. Faerlina gives off a dispellable poison to 5 closest to her; this needs to be dispelled, and healed through, but doesnt do a whole lot of dmg. Adds do a reign of fire AoE, real easy to step out of.
Now the fun begins...
Big Spider. Wraps everyone up every minute or so, and will randomly shoot-wrap someone across the room. One person will be in charge of breaking the webs, and heals should heal the person inside. At 30% Maexxna does an enrage, to help counter this, dps will back off and allow themselves to be web wrapped right before the 30%, then burn her down as fast as possible.Key Notes: MT will be taking a decent amount of damage, and will be receiving poison that must be dispelled. Healers will need to top off MT right before webwrap, since they wont be able to cast while webbed. OT will AoE small spiders every 40 seconds they only take 1 or 2 shots.
BOSS Vids:
Grand Widow Faerlina
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