News & Updates
April 15, 2010
Welcome home, everyone. Welcome home...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Of Minced Words; from Conflation to Inflation
What was meant to be a discussion on Guild organization, quickly turned into a debate about progression, and what the best path is. Out on the table was an organization structure much similar to that of a high end raiding guild: multiple raiding teams, including organization amongst healers, dps, tanks, etc. On the surface, I understand where players think that the top end players will be only raiding with themselves, leaving the others out in the cold...this was not intended to be the case.
When we speak of progression, we speak of multiple layers:
*Heroics (OS, VoA)
*Tier 7 (Naxx, Emalon)
*Tier 8 (Ulduar and beyond)
What was discussed by Kallion, Stone and myself, was a system designed to maximize the overall efficiency (and proficiency) of the players wanting to raid--creating 10 man groups consisting of 2 core veteran players, along with a group of similar gear level and experience. This would provide for a well run raid, but still allow a group to grow and learn to play together as a team.
What we particularly liked about this idea, is that not only does this establish consistent groupings and raid times, but it also helps move the group down the path of progression. Raiders will gear up together, learn to strategize on boss encounters, and synergize much the way that the Ulduar group did just merely months ago. Doing so also gives the aforementioned raid leaders more responsibility (and flexibility) over their group and times that they raid--and will generally get players into the raids that may have otherwise been left out.
What we typically want to shy away from, are farm runs in which 7 uber geared raiders are carrying others for gear. While it may be fine for alts of players that know the fights--there is a point when it becomes detrimental to player development. We want raids to be organized and planned (and fun =), but we don't want them to be AFK fests (dying on heigan and waiting for loot, dying on grobb and waiting for loot, dying on thadd and waiting for loot... you get the picture).
On Raid Scheduling:
It isn't as easy as one may think. Its easy to calendar a couple of raids. Difficult to get people to show, frustrating when they don't, and even more so when someone is left out. During my brief stint as a raid coordinator, I got to see this firsthand. And, believe it or not, players will send feedback to you both good and bad. Thankfully, most days were filled with good mail messages--but there were days with bad. Players that were left out, players unhappy about a loot roll or decision, etc. For this reason, the multiple group format was an attractive way to get other players involved in the whole process--there are some leaders out there in H&G, that we're aware of, and it would be nice to watch them take a team and make it successful.
Perhaps the ability to paint this picture clear is what was missing last night. Either way, merger or no merger, if you care or if you don't, this message needed to come across the right way; the way it was originally intended. If it was perceived as elitist, or seemed as though we were leaving players to fend for themselves, I do apologize. I think that one of the attributes that makes Honor and Glory as unique as it is, is our willingness to help our guildies-- heroic runs, gems, chants, general knowledge, levelling runs--and I would hope that no one would ever assume that that would ever stop.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Let's Talk About Stats, Baby
As of late I've noticed more and more players un-gemmed and un-chanted--so this post is a straight up attempt at educating everyone on how to tinker (enhance) your gear.
Raiding in PvP Gear:
Any hardcore raider is gonna tell you, "Don't do it." Now I'm going to tell you why. PvP gear is stat-weighted for PvP; this means stam is typically weighted higher, and you gain resilience at the expense of other, necessary stats, such as critical strike or hit rating, spell power, etc. Since hit rating is unnecessary in PvP, raiding in this gear could effectively render you useless. So, while it may be easy to get, if you really want to raid, I suggest grinding heroics, and grabbing some coin to pickup the crafted epics for your class. You can use addons such as Atlasloot, or check the armory to find the heroics that you can benefit from. Worse comes to worse, the badges will always do you good.
This is one area where many players can improve. First I want you to ask yourself, "what is my goal?" My answer to this is: "to increase my dps." If you're a dps player, I hope your answer is the same. That being said, lemme lay down the basics:
Melee DPS- Ret Pallies/DK's/Warriors
This is what you need to gem for. Period. Hit Rating until 8%, Expertise to at least 15 skill, then all STR.
Now let's talk about why:
A. If you don't hit the target, you're not dps'ing
B. If you get parried, you're not dps'ing
C. Strength scales much better than any other stat. 1 Str= 2 AP.
Never gem for attack power. Ever. Ever. I'm serious. Never gem for crit either. Crit comes from gear, and raid buffs already give you a nice crit boost--No top of the charts dps ever gemmed for crit. Trust me on this.
Which brings me to the issue of sockets. Rule of thumb here, is to make sure your meta gem is activated, and then ignore all the other colors (JC's can use their dragons eyes for this). Socket bonuses suck; +4 stam, or +5 crit at the expense of 32 AP is just retarded. And everyone knows you don't go full retard.
Many enchants require Reputation. Do the dailies. Grab a tabard. Its worth it.
You can chant every single piece of armor you wear. Let's start at the top:
Unless you're a scribe, you're gonna have to do the Sons of Hodir questchain for this slot. Its a long grind, but worth the epic shoulder chant. Epic enchants require exalted rep, but there are some available at honored.
There aren't too many attractive options here. +22 Agi, +23 haste are about the best...unless you're a tailor.
+10 All stats. This is the only chant, and its expensive due to the mats-- I strongly recommend you to find a nice guildie for this one.
Some options here: +15 expertise, +50 AP, +23 SP...
+44 AP, +20 hit, +28 SP, +20 Agi
Add an eternal belt you an additional gem socket /ftw
Epic choices here...
Either AP or hit/crit for your choices here. Not much else worth it...
To see the biggest improvement, get yourself hit capped (except healers), and then gem for your "Golden Stat." I promise you'll notice a difference.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Auriaya Down!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Player Spotlight: SHYSTECHRIS
Alt1: Shysteshot (lvl 24 Tauren Hunter)
About Shyste:
A Dark Archon of Honor and Glory. Epic DPS =), will tank when I'm asked. Got into gaming a couple of years ago via the 360; COD4 and L4D--then was dragged into WoW by Antslock and Moonicknight. Rolled a Paladin my first round, was into it ok until I learned about the Deathknight. I wanted to carry a sword and smack shit with it, so I switched.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Allies are Retards (and everyone knows you don't go full retard)

Now, I don't know about your server...but on ours, Allies are like child molestors; they prey on the young and weak, and lift their skirts to run away when someone their own size comes along. I swear, the ally on Blood Furnace must all be 12 yr old girls...
Anyway, I get there, single out the 80 pally in pvp gear, and instead of fighting me, he bubbles and runs, vagina blowing in the breeze. I really think ally balls are on a global cool down with their bubbles. Once he was gone, that left a couple of other DK's.
Now let me tell you, these two DK's (80's) have to be about the n00biest pair I've ever encountered. To make a long story short, they thought they could rez together and take me other players were running around looking for more, I literally sat on their corpses, hoping to draw fire. They would rez, both drop D n D (morons) and do whatever they could do to take me down 5% (meaning i still had 95% HP left). A few of my Scourge strikes later and one is a whisper away from dead, and the other, is uhh, wearing frost resist gear. Morons. Don't they know they AREN'T suppose to go full retard?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Shyste Rolls a Huntard: Shysteshot

I don't know what realy prompted me to want to roll another toon...Realistically, the thought of levelling again sucks to me. But I like Taurens, and I think Huntards are kinda cool; so there ya go. Ranged DPS /ftw.
Shysteshot is level 6 Tauren Hunter currently killing shit in Bloodhoof. I'm sure you'll hear more about my misadventures on a weekly basis--Currently, he does about 3-4 dps. I can't wait till I get a pet =)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Player Spotlight: STONEHOOFX
Alt1: Ionisa (BE Mage)
Alt2: Kalionys (BE Paladin)
Second GM of Honor and Glory. This guy's been around a long time, and like Kallion, has an Epic Toon for just about everything. Most notably about Stone, is his humongous achievement list...sitting at over 5ooo achievement points, I have yet to run across a player with more...or more titles for that matter.
Shyste Asks:
What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
Plain 'Ol Cheerios
Hang out with my family and friends, listen to music, and take care of my girl
Favorite sport?
Favorite 80's movie?
The Outsiders
In-between jobs. Previously a AC/Heater Assembler
Orange in general, but I usually mix shit up and make up something
Green Eggs and Ham
Ogre/Boomkin/Chris Farley Dance

Sunday, July 12, 2009
When H&G gets bored...
So there it is...I kite Grobb up the stairs, aiming for the pipe--almost got him there, but our DPS was just too beastly. He died up top.

Player Spotlight: KYRATHOS

Main: Kyrathos (Tauren Hunter)
Alt1: Kallion (BE Paladin)
Alt2: Stormripper (Orc Shaman)
About Kyra:
GM of Honor and Glory. He's got an 80 toon for just about everything and is an all around epic player. Whether its DPS, Tanking, or even healing, you definitely want this dude on your side.
Shyste Asks:
What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
All time favorite band/group?
My own band "Liquid Metal"
What do you do for fun, other than WoW?
Write poetry, play guitar, run around and take dirt-bikes out for a cruise
Favorite sport?
Favorite 80's movie?
no thanks. lol
What do you do (occupation)?
College student, construction worker, general associate at Party City =P
What's your favorite kool-aid flavor?
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
The Lorax
Do you have a favorite WoW dance?
Orc's MC Hammertime
Your favorite WoW moment?
Me and Raven doing arena, and me 1 shotting the piss out of guys that were more geared than us
What are you looking forward to, in-game?
Honor and Glory server first at the Colisem =)
(Stormripper pictured below)

Thursday, July 9, 2009
What Kind of Player are You?
After a few wipes on Flame Leviathan +2 (25%, 15%, 4%), the group decided that they wanted to take down an additional tower to down levi, and move on to other content. My initial reaction pushes me to keep trying--mostly, because I love the challenge. Hard is what I'm here for...But, on the other hand, there's still a lot of Ulduar that remains to be seen, so taking down a tower for the sake of progress is fine by me. Later on, this provoked a discussion about fights, and either the presence or absence of luck. Personally, I don't really believe in luck--I like to have more faith than that. I look at the group we're running with, I know what everyone is capable of, and I'm good to go. Now, this isn't to say that I don't believe in glitches....Maexxna shooting invisible wraps across the room is a glitch. Invisible flame walls in OS is a glitch; there's no escaping these things, and they cannot be controlled. On the other hand, 2 sentinels spawning at the same time at razorscale: shitty, but manageable. Big ring of death spawning under Steelbreaker right before a fusion punch: really shitty. Manageable? Perhaps...
The point I was trying to make last night (whether I was able to come close to it or not), was that these fights are hard. Any minute thing can cause a wipe. No matter what Murphy may have in store for us (referrring to his law), I cannot let this disuade me from trying a fight. We should know by now that these are coordination fights...if we are all individually good at what we do, yet we can't seem to get something to work, then, either is true:
(a) Someone is messing up or
(b) We are all messing up or
(c) We need a new plan
When working on difficult fights, its very easy to write one off as, being "too difficult," or say things like "we don't have this" (blaming either group composition or player ability). After 6 or 7 wipes, I might concede to this way of thinking...but I don't expect to go in and one shot every boss. When I read blogs from progressive guilds, or tweet with some reknowned players-- I get to see that they stumble just as we do. I see that some fights take 8, 9, or 10 wipes to get the hang of (think back to the very first night of 3.1, working on leviathan for over 2 hours). They don't attribute success to their gear, or to luck, or to God. They attribute their accomplishments to their hard work. Because they're in there, every night, wiping, and wiping, and wiping; theorycrafting, trying to find the strategies that best work for them. This. Is. Resiliency.
So I'm curious to see what kind of player everyone is...
I myself, probably should be in an extremely hardcore raiding guild--But I enjoy Honor and Glory waaaaay too much to ever consider leaving (you guys really are the best. Never had so much fun as I'm having right now). I like challenges, and I try to push myself to the limit, without being overzealous. Do I want to try X2-002 hard mode? Absolutely. Do I think its feasible right now? Not quite. FL+2? Fuck yeah. FL+4? Not even close....yet. Sarth+1? SOON =)
This is me. I want it all. Money, cash, clothes, diamond rings. Fo Shizzle.
What kind of player are you? When we raid, am I pushing too hard? Or not enough? What are your goals?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
After a night full of raiders tongue-fucking eachother's names up, here's a list of correct prunuciations:
1. Shystechris = Shy-stee
2. Hazl = Hay-zill (you should know this one by now)
3. Darthnishiki = Darth (for short) or Darth-ni-sheek
4. Whoapaw = Like Whoa! Whoa-paw (not Hoo-Pa?)
5. Maeda = My-aid-uh (not muh-day)
6. Erilis = Air-eh-liss
7. Firesong = Fire-song (if you don't know this, I recommend calling Levar Burton over for story time)
8. Stonehoofx = Stone
9. Kallion = Kall
10. Amorgan = B.o.B. (is that right fire?)
11. Nagu = do you really need help on this one? Its like Ragu, with an "N"
12. Eruibard = Air-ew-bard (Bard for short)
13. Lovesgnomes = Gnomes. (please don't call him loves, thats just weird)
I hope you've enjoyed the time we've spent up: conjunction junction, followed by reading rainbow =)
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Etiquette of Looting
We've all been there at one point or another. Ninja'd items, plate/mail classes rolling on leather, and now the absurd I'm dual spec'd so I'm rolling on everything attitude. With the inception of dual spec's, the mechanics and etiquette of looting have changed over night. It's time to revisit loot distribution, what is acceptable, and what is fair.
The general consensus is that loot rules are given in both verbal and written forms (over vent and raid chat), after the first ready check but before the first pull. This gives new raiders, or raiders new to your group, time to ask questions or leave if they have a problem with the loot system. For example, when we run Heroic Raids, our loot system is designed to maximize loot distribution; 1 epic, 1 BoE, 1 Tier Token per raid night--Main Specs only. This is explained at the beginning of the raid, and should no main specs need an item, then and only then does it go up for off-spec rolls. I like this system because it promotes a "sharing the wealth" mantra. Loot is spread out to as many people as possible, and raiders will generally keep coming back, because of how fair the system is.
Whether you realize it or not, how you (the looter) conduct yourself with regard to loot rules, has the ability to impact the way the other players experience the raid. By adhering to the rules, only rolling for your main spec, and not rolling if you've already won an item in that category helps keep integrity in the system. When players disregard the rules, roll out of turn, roll in a category they've already won, or roll and say "offspec" when other mains are rolling, only muddles up raid chat, and generally pisses off the players making legitimate rolls. And, if the raid leader is organized, they have a running notepad detailing who won what items, so you're probably pissing them off too. That's an easy way to not be invited back.
Just like the designated hitter detracted from the purity of baseball, the inclusion of dual specs into the game has detracted from the purity of the loot system. As with all new systems, it won't change overnight. Here is a good time for you to think globally, and act locally. Start with yourself. Be honest about looting. Roll for your mainspec--if you're invited into a raid as your secondary spec, ask the raid leader/loot master what is appropriate to roll on. Speak up over vent, show your concern to be fair and honest...lead by example. Raid leaders appreciate this--not only does it show your maturity regarding the matter, but it also shows that you value their loot system.
Stick to these general guidelines, and you'll soon find that in the big tea party of looting, your etiquette has become second to none. =)
Friday, July 3, 2009
Recruitment: MMO-Champion Post
Our roster consists of over 100 casual players.We are currently looking for skilled, PvE oriented players for Heroic Raiding of end-game content. Our 10 man is currently in Ulduar, working on Auriaya.
Raiding Days/Times:
Thurs-Sun 8pm pst to 11pm pst (or 10-1 server)
At the moment, we have 15 geared, skilled, and dedicated raiders, and are looking for the following classes:
*Priests (shadow, disc, holy)
*Druids (Resto/ Oomkin)
* We are also looking for 1 more geared Tank
If you're currently looking for a group of fun individuals that enjoy raiding together, send a tell in game, or email with race/class/and a little bit of your raiding history/accomplishments.-
Email Submissions:,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Blood DPS Revisited
The overall boost to damage with blood is awesome.
Starting in Arachnid Quarter, dps on Anub was ok. I ended up in top spot just a couple hundred dps above everyone else. Not too bad. Faerlina was a tough battle, ended up in the top 3 for overall dmg, but was about 4th in actual dps. We AoE'd all the adds achievement style, and even with
When I changed back to unholy, the next couple of fights I out dps'd the group by 1000. /0.o
Now, I've seen the WWS stats and spreadsheets to know that blood has awesome potential. I just don't think that its my style anymore...
Cool Downs
CD management for blood kinda sucks. With unholy, my ghoul is up 100% of the time, and can live through just about anything. Gargoyle is a button press, and requires no effort, really. Diseases refresh with
Blood, on the other hand, requires have to self cast hysteria, then DRW (and if they're macro'd together, you have to make sure that theyre both off CD), and these are short lived, so in between popping these CD's, you have a short term ghoul to mess with. The CD's are so short, that half the fight is popping CD's--and then DRW requires that you are constantly attacking; its not free dps like gargoyle is.
No matter how simple the rotation is, this DK will take diseases anyday. CD management in blood just seems a bit too messy for me--especially on fights that are movement intensive. I'm just too unholy at heart to want to switch. =)