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April 15, 2010

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Monday, July 6, 2009

The Etiquette of Looting

So you're pugging Naxx-25, just pwned the horseman, and before emblems are finished divvying themselves out (eating up valuable chat frame real estate) you see something purple linked, a yellow roll, and an item given out. What was that??!! You scan back only to find that Armageddon has dropped, that beautiful 2H of an upgrade you've been waiting for, and it went to the guildie of the loot master very stealthly, before you even knew what hit you. You just got Ninja'd (that just happened!!).

We've all been there at one point or another. Ninja'd items, plate/mail classes rolling on leather, and now the absurd I'm dual spec'd so I'm rolling on everything attitude. With the inception of dual spec's, the mechanics and etiquette of looting have changed over night. It's time to revisit loot distribution, what is acceptable, and what is fair.

The general consensus is that loot rules are given in both verbal and written forms (over vent and raid chat), after the first ready check but before the first pull. This gives new raiders, or raiders new to your group, time to ask questions or leave if they have a problem with the loot system. For example, when we run Heroic Raids, our loot system is designed to maximize loot distribution; 1 epic, 1 BoE, 1 Tier Token per raid night--Main Specs only. This is explained at the beginning of the raid, and should no main specs need an item, then and only then does it go up for off-spec rolls. I like this system because it promotes a "sharing the wealth" mantra. Loot is spread out to as many people as possible, and raiders will generally keep coming back, because of how fair the system is.

Whether you realize it or not, how you (the looter) conduct yourself with regard to loot rules, has the ability to impact the way the other players experience the raid. By adhering to the rules, only rolling for your main spec, and not rolling if you've already won an item in that category helps keep integrity in the system. When players disregard the rules, roll out of turn, roll in a category they've already won, or roll and say "offspec" when other mains are rolling, only muddles up raid chat, and generally pisses off the players making legitimate rolls. And, if the raid leader is organized, they have a running notepad detailing who won what items, so you're probably pissing them off too. That's an easy way to not be invited back.

Just like the designated hitter detracted from the purity of baseball, the inclusion of dual specs into the game has detracted from the purity of the loot system. As with all new systems, it won't change overnight. Here is a good time for you to think globally, and act locally. Start with yourself. Be honest about looting. Roll for your mainspec--if you're invited into a raid as your secondary spec, ask the raid leader/loot master what is appropriate to roll on. Speak up over vent, show your concern to be fair and honest...lead by example. Raid leaders appreciate this--not only does it show your maturity regarding the matter, but it also shows that you value their loot system.

Stick to these general guidelines, and you'll soon find that in the big tea party of looting, your etiquette has become second to none. =)

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