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April 15, 2010

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shyste Rolls a Huntard: Shysteshot

Born Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 11.00pm (pst), Shysteshot entered Mulgore weighing approximately 250 lb (if I had to guess).

(Shysteshot and Lovesgnomes)

Other than raiding, there isn't a whole lot that I really need to do on the DK besides fishing and cooking, and dailies for cash. I bought some heirlooms for my Pally, thinking that I might like to finish him from 55, but everytime I go back to him, I realize why I left. I'm just not a Pally player.

I don't know what realy prompted me to want to roll another toon...Realistically, the thought of levelling again sucks to me. But I like Taurens, and I think Huntards are kinda cool; so there ya go. Ranged DPS /ftw.

Shysteshot is level 6 Tauren Hunter currently killing shit in Bloodhoof. I'm sure you'll hear more about my misadventures on a weekly basis--Currently, he does about 3-4 dps. I can't wait till I get a pet =)

Speaking of.....peep out the poll I've got going regarding pet names =p


  1. I voted for "Lovesgnomes". Too bad you can't get a female dog for a pet. Then Lovegnomes could really be your bitch!

    WTB... some of my hunter's pet names:
    Bear = Bad News
    Ravager = Horneeforyu
    Lynx = Claude

    Enjoy the hunter!

  2. Got a little dyslectic, there:
    WTB = BTW

  3. That pet needs to be a COMPLETE bad ass to sport that name.
