
News & Updates

April 15, 2010

Welcome home, everyone. Welcome home...


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I don't know why its so difficult to pronounce names correctly. Look. Read. Speak. Seems easy enough....

After a night full of raiders tongue-fucking eachother's names up, here's a list of correct prunuciations:

1. Shystechris = Shy-stee
2. Hazl = Hay-zill (you should know this one by now)
3. Darthnishiki = Darth (for short) or Darth-ni-sheek
4. Whoapaw = Like Whoa! Whoa-paw (not Hoo-Pa?)
5. Maeda = My-aid-uh (not muh-day)
6. Erilis = Air-eh-liss
7. Firesong = Fire-song (if you don't know this, I recommend calling Levar Burton over for story time)
8. Stonehoofx = Stone
9. Kallion = Kall
10. Amorgan = B.o.B. (is that right fire?)
11. Nagu = do you really need help on this one? Its like Ragu, with an "N"
12. Eruibard = Air-ew-bard (Bard for short)
13. Lovesgnomes = Gnomes. (please don't call him loves, thats just weird)

I hope you've enjoyed the time we've spent up: conjunction junction, followed by reading rainbow =)


  1. LOL that was awesome...I'm not to sure about B.O.B cause I haven't found where the batteries go yet on amorgan...or an off switch for that matter. But I know he would want me to add this
    Amorgan= a-morgan

  2. Alternate pronounciation for Lovesgnomes = Toomuchthreatandnowiamdead
