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April 15, 2010

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Friday, March 12, 2010

The Healadin's UI

For the past few days I've been thinking quite a bit about my UI, and ways to improve on its appearance and functionality. I'm constantly catching glimpses of UI's that are so put together and clean, that it makes me want to try something new to mine.

Now, I'm a minimalist at heart. I enjoy the real estate on my screen, so anything that deters from that openness is no good. I do like some players minimal use of kgpanels, covering the action bars and chat frames, while still leaving open spaces--although I'm not exactly sure how to go about constructing panels...

Here's a picture of my Pally's UI. As you can see it's pretty basic; I only have out whats absolutely necessary.And, I've since removed my bags and repositioned the Aura bar a little more out of the way.

Unit Frames
After a few weeks using xperl again, I decided to go back to pitbull. While I do like Xperls functionality, using it for party and raid frames is a bit overwhelming for me--its too busy. I like pitbull because it allows me to add or delete modules in-game; so I've deactivated most. I keep my frame and target frame centered so that I can see everything at a glance. I keep up player, pet, target, target of target, and tank frames, and forsake all others. The one thing I did miss about xperl, was the castbar latency function--but Quartz is a nice replacement for that.

For the party and raid frames, I just can't get away from grid. It shows me only the important things; HP, curses, and things that need to be cleansed. While I did enjoy seeing buffs on xperls frames, Grid is just a much neater package and easier on the eyes, for my taste. 

For my action bars, I'm most definitely in love with bartender. Its fast, and super simple to configure. I've got my main spells macro'd in with my CD's and placed in the number row-cause everything's pretty much keybound to my Naga (which I absolutely adore).

I've got a list of buffs on the right of the screen (via Elkano's Buff Bars), just under my sexymap. I keep 'em fairly transluscent so I don't notice them as much-- But the debuffs fairly large and much more prominent. That allows me to see via periferal vision when I'm hit with something important (even though it shows up on Grid also).

In-between my frame and grid, I keep track of all my important Pally specific stuff: Sacred Shield, Bacon, JotP. I think the addon's called CLPT--and it's very nice. And, what UI is complete without Recount... it generally sits in a small area to the right of the screen. For boss timers I've been using Deus Vox--its light weight, easy to configure, and I think the announcements work better than DBM.

I've been running this setup for quite some time on my DK--but I'm completely open to suggestions. What addons do YOU have that you can't live without? Holler...

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