I wouldn't say that I'm an angry player. Quite the contrary, actually. But there are some things in-game that really cheese me off.
#1- PvP, Pallies, and bubbles.
#2- Struggling through content.
#1 is easily avoidable-- I only arena once or twice in a very blue moon, which leaves the only real bane of my frustration at #2.
Before we get into that, let me tell you a little more about me as a n00b 80. I say n00b, because it really wasn't until I hit 80 that I really started exploring the games finer points and nuances. When I turned 80, I was wearing mostly quest blues, I was spec'd frost dps, some of my gear had defense rating on it, and the group of guildies I ran with consistently struggled through OK and HoL. We didn't even dare step foot in HoS or Occ...and we were definitely known to challenge Archavon's enrage timer. Things were different back then; ilvl 213 was tops (226 to get technical, with KT and Maly), and stats weren't quite as inflated as they are today.
During my time as an early 80, I definitely had my share of WTF moments. My
Army taunting bosses, wiping groups, my bloodworms eating AoE heals, etc. I made tons of mistakes as a new 80, but I always learned from these mistakes, and definitely never tried to fake my way around. I learned a lot hands on, and since then, I've paid my dues.

Last night I experienced another WTF moment. Not much going on with the guild, I put myself in LFG as a dps to run some heroics with people. Not long after I received a whisper. H CoS.
I entered the group and the first thing I see in party chat:
"Dude, that 78 was heals...whose gonna heal?"
"I'll tank, you heal. noob healer+noob tank = chaos"
"I can heal, won't be great, but we'll live"
"I just tanked DTK fine, we got this"
This was 2 Pallies talking. Normally I'd be concerned, but I know how to stay alive, and could probably solo dps the thing if I tried...so I let it be.
Fast Forward to the pull: Tank took off running the wrong direction, I grab first wave and kill it while the hunter is off killing skeletons by himself, the dps dk in greens and blues and no sigil is off with the tank, left me and the healer. 4.5k dps = crisis averted. Everyone reforms, and wave two comes: Pally can't hold aggro (how?) hunter is doing god knows what, and the other DK is attacking a random target. Wipe.
Now, I understand, that this place can be a tad overwhelming for someone that hasn't been there before. However, everyone assured me that they'd run CoS multiple time before today. I suggest that I (having infinite wisdom of this place) do the tanking. I try to be diplomatic about it--not QQing, and try to give a few tips along the way. I succeed; my tanking goes without incident. Get to the final gauntlet and it's somewhat nerve-racking, because, apparently all the dps thought they could just run out and start attacking shit. Somehow I manage to pull it together without wanting to poke my eyes out anymore than I previously wanted... until we get to the end of the gauntlet: we're missing Arthas. Damn. WTF.
You know what happens if you run without Arthas? Shit respawns.
Ran that gauntlet 3 times...was in CoS for like an hour. Someone even had the nerve to ask about making the timed run.
And how the hell, does a DK NOT have a sigil? We're all given one! For FREE!!!