News and numbers keep rolling in from the PTR regarding scourge strike; its fully functional--and constantly being tested by the fine folks over at the EJ forums. Word on the street is that it's goooood. Unless you've been hiding under a rock these last few patches, you undoubtedly know that the unholy strike was nerfed beyond all repair (to compensate for arena). First we had to gear ArP and use obliterate, then with 4 pc. T9 our diseases helped roll us to the top of the charts again--but no more shenanigans, my friends. Scourge Strike is making its way back into our arsenal.

Essentially, scourge strike has been redesigned so that its damage is split between two (2) parts: physical and shadow.
Scourge Strike's physical damage portion hits like any other physical strike.
"The shadow portion of the attack does double dip into certain buffs/talents
(Blood Presence, Desolation, Two Handed Weapon Specialization, Bone Shield,
Ferocious Inspiration, Subversion, Vicious Strikes, Dark Conviction) and it does
benefit from shadow/magical damage specific modifiers (Ebon Plague, Black Ice).
It can crit separately from the physical portion (although if the physical
portion crits, the shadow portion will have its damage increased accordingly,
whether or not it crits - which means when both parts crit, your SS can do
ridiculous numbers). The shadow portion cannot be dodged or parried, nor can it
miss. It can be partially resisted. " -credited to Consider over @ EJWhat this basically means, is that scourge strike will be buffed significantly, and we'll get to see some insanely high crits like we used to... =)
3.3 Spec and Rotation
This proposed spec is very reminiscent of the 17/0/54 of old. However, it does drop IUP due to the unholy tree changes over the last few patches. And, the rotation's gonna play slightly different because of disease rolling:
(1a) PS- IT- BS- BS- SS- DC- HoW- DC
(2a) PS- IT- SS- SS- DC- DC
These will be the opening rotations to get deathrunes activated, and trinket procs to roll high AP diseases. Once you've got the AP where you want it:
(1b) SS- Pest- BS- SS- DC- HoW- DC
(2b) SS- DC- SS- SS- DC
Keep in mind that even though SS is fully functioning on the PTR, it is still subject to change at any time. Keep your fingers crossed, though =)
Hi, I've been looking for updated 17/0/54 rotations and I found your blog which I must say is very nicely written :)
ReplyDeleteI have a question about the rotation. I hope you can help me. You post:
(1a) PS- IT- BS- BS- SS- DC- HoW- DC
(2a) PS- IT- SS- SS- DC- DC
These will be the opening rotations to get deathrunes activated, and trinket procs to roll high AP diseases. Once you've got the AP where you want it:
(1b) SS- Pest- BS- SS- DC- HoW- DC
(2b) SS- DC- SS- SS- DC
Does that mean I do the 1A-1B-2A-2B or like you posted. 1A-2A-1B-2B. And after 2B do I start again with 1A or continue with 1B?
Thnx in advance for your help!!
Sylvanas (in case you wanna look up my armory)
ReplyDeleteThanks fir reading! And, yeah, the multiple rotations is a bit confusing. You open with 1A, 2A, and then the following rotations are 1B, 2B....
It's also worth noting that this set is actually used in conjunction with Glyph of Disease--and there is some debate right now as to whether or not that glyph is feasible in IceCrown. More likely than not, we'll be substituting this glyph for Glyph of the Ghoul again, because of the movement intensive fights.
Still doing a little research on it, so the rotation may actually change again shortly.
I'll keep ya posted =)
Thnx for the reply. Unholy rotations sure are a bit trickier then Blood (my current specc) rotations. But thats all the better cause I'm kinda bored with the blood rotation. I need a challenge ;)
ReplyDeleteQuick question just so i get it all cleared up. After the 2B rotation I assume we start over with 1A right?
Also, I noticed that you have a lot more haste then I have on my current gear. Is haste a MUST stat before going unholy? Main question is I guess, in my current gear, do you think its wise to switch to Unholy or would Blood be a better match? My char name is Kentos and I'm on the Sylvanas EU server. I would appreciate your advice!
Thnx again!
ReplyDeleteThought i'd give you my armory myself :)
Thnx in advance!
ReplyDeleteRotation: If you've already done 1A, 2A on the target, and are able to refresh diseases with 1B, 2B...then you could go a whole fight refreshing diseases with 1B, 2B. However, with movement and target switching, chances are you'll be back to (A) to re-apply diseases at some point.
And, as for all my haste, its just the gear I've run into. I'm actually trying to get it more on par with yours =P
While haste certainly does compliment unholy now, when 3.3 hits and we drop Necrosis, haste will actually suck. You'll want ArP to make Scourge Strike hit hard every time.
With the change to scourge strike, they're really isn't a separation of gear between our trees anymore--stay all ArP'd out like you currently are. =)
Hello and thanx for a interesting blog.
ReplyDeleteAll you have said above makes sence, though I have some comments to add to the topic.
The gear now is basically for blood and frost STR>ArP>crit....haste
when it's now for unholy
So most Unholy DK's atm will be haste geared wich means we can expect alot of whining when 3.3 hits us. Though the ones that has geared for Blood/frost will have pretty nice gear to switch specc right off.
The big difference as I see it compared to now is the big Crit buff (as in value APE). So generally you will gear for
STR>Crit>ArP....haste/agi for Unholy 3.3
The Unholy DK will be the specc of choice for most DK's after 3.3, we will still have our superios aoe damage and we'll be able to match the other speccs single target dps due to the great SS buff. All and all a very very nice patch for us!
im just wondering how the rotation would look like with glyph of scourge strike
ReplyDeleteReally don't want to use Glyph of scourge strike anymore--rotation is better without it, damage-wise.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, with the recent nerf to Live SS, you need to use it as often as possible now to stay competitive =(