
News & Updates

April 15, 2010

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Trial of the Crusader: Lord Jaraxxus

A Great guide to the Jaraxxus encounter was just posted HERE.
Read this one first before checking out the vid...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trial of the Crusader: Northrend Beasts

Ok guys, here it is for your viewing pleasure...the best Northrend Beasts vid I could find. Watch it. Know it. =)

*Video Courtesy of BOSSKILLERS.COM*

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sated Spotlight: Diona

Every week I'm going to try and sit down with a player--get the full scoop about who they are, what they like to do; maybe out a few skeletons if the chance arises =)
Todays Spotlight: Diona! (lvl 80 BE Priestess)

About Di (Real Name: Julie)
The Co-Founder of Sated, I first met Di back in the H&G days...elite heals, always willing to lend a hand--I found myself running heroics with her and Porel on a consistant basis. Really can't say anything bad about her, she's got a great personality, awesome vent voice (haha), and is an amazing asset to the Sated team.

Shyste Asks

Q: Have you bested the shite economy? Are you currently employed?
A: Just a student for a little while. Quit my job because of poor management and getting treated like crap =)

Q: So I take it you have lots of TV you have a favorite show?
A: My favorite show is The Soup on E!. I never get tired of laughing at people doing stupid things for all the world to see!

Q: Kinda like Nagu (love ya nagu)! Changing the subject, let's move on to more important things. What do you most like to eat? Drink? Adult beverage of choice?
A: Eat? Anything with chocolate =) It tastes so damn good, and can always make me feel better if I've had a bad day. As for the "adult" beverage, I'm not a big beer fan, but when it comes to doing Carbombs, I can put em away all night long! Fun to drink and I don't have to babysit my drink all night long.

Q: Mmmmm. Carbomb. Yummy. So what else do you like to do outside of WoW?
A: When I'm not sitting on my butt playing games, I generally just enjoy having fun. I enjoy anything from fishing to going out to bars, dancing and socializing all night. I have always been into sports and greatly enjoy the outdoors. Camping is one of my greatest pastimes; sadly school, work, and a lack of money hasn't allowed me to enjoy this recently =(

Q: So now that we've established your partying background, while you're out drinking, are you neglecting any little ones at home?
A: There has not been a day in my life where I have had to come home to an empty house. Currently, I have 3 dogs and a love bird. The newest love of my life is Thisbe ("lover" in greek), my 4 and a half month old pitbull puppy. She's the simply incredible =)

Q: Ok, I've digressed too far. Back to the game. Do you have a favorite WoW moment?
A: I have two. Solo healing Heigan. The only reason it astounds me to this day is because up until that night, I died during the dance EVERY single time. Yet, I somehow managed to do it over and over =) My other favorite moment is when I ALMOST solo healed Grobulus. If the blobs hadn't gotten out of control, it woulda been done and there was going to be mana to spare! =D

Q: Nice. So both moments have to do with Raiding--is that what you enjoy most in the game?
A: Yes. My favorite in game activity is raiding. I love the advancements that are made, even if they are made slowly. I also enjoy getting to work with my group of friends striving towards a common goal. And it never hurts to get a new piece of awesome gear =)

Yes. shinies are very nice...

Thanks again Jules for taking the time to sit down and chat. Stay tuned for next weeks installment of the Sated Spotlight!

Monday, August 17, 2009

DW Tanking, and Why it SUCKS

I can't take it anymore!!!!

Everywhere I look, DK's are trying to DW tank, and it makes no frickin sense! So much potential lost on stupidity...

Let's examine the basic principles of DK tanking, and why DW sucks ass. I'll try to esplain the best I can.

Why Anyone would want to DW Tank: Myths/Beliefs
1.) It Looks Cool
2.) Stats are better on 2x 1H's vs. 2H
3.) Greater TPS (threat generation)

Ok--so now you have some reasoning behind actually equipping 2x 1-handers to tank. Now, for some edu-muh-cation:

A DK's threat (other than DnD) is based on damage. The higher the damage, the higher the TPS (threat per second). A DK's strike damage (as well as all other classes) is normalized, and based on weapon speed. Melee weapons are broken down into 3 categories: 1.7, 2.4, and 3.3--the slower the weapon, the greater the damage, thus the more threat is generated.

Now, with the inclusion of Threat of Thessarian into the Frost tree, it is semi-plausable to create a DW tank-spec. I say semi plausable, because maximizing DW costs an additional 4 points vs. its 2H predecessor. 4 points that would have to be removed from either Bladed Armor, or other beneficial points in the unholy tree. With Nerves of Cold steel, and Threat of Thessarian maxed, theoretically, strike damage would be up to par with a 2H build.

Now, there are 2 problems with this:
1.) Hit Cap
2.) Strike Normalization

Obtaining 8% hit cap for a 2H tanking build is easy. DW is another story. At 13% hit rating, DW still misses a large chunk of the time. Missing causes problems, not only with rotations and runes, but also for generating threat (especially since all Tanking 1H's are fast, thus the damage created is on par with daggers). DW tanks also need a solid amount of expertise to avoid parry-gibs. The expertise cap for DW is 64 skill (500 rating)--obtaining this number is quite difficult. If not capped, then DW tanking with 2x 1.6 speed weapons actually increases the chance of being parry-gibbed by 3.75x...

On average, dual wielding tanking weapons add an extra 2% avoidance (but lose out on AP stats like strength, which translates into damage), however, the amount of attacks more than doubles, thus increasing the chance to be parried as such. Boss parry-haste can stack multiple times, therefore attacks against you have the chance to come faster and faster. This causes more damage more quickly, and places added stress on the healers; in endgame it can ultimately cause a wipe (think steelbreaker).

Trading out a strong 2-hander for 2x 1-handers may lead to additional defense skill and avoidance, but really neglects the basic principles of DK tanking. Be able to hit the boss, be able to hit the boss hard (TPS), and don't be parried. DW tanking begins at a disadvantage in all of these areas. So while it may look cool, and may be functional for trivial things like heroics and SM runs (at lvl 80), it is not at all acceptable for endgame raiding.

Everyone knows you don't go full retard.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sated: A New Hope

Yesterday, in a big *raise fist against the man* sorta way, I bought a vent server. I was already guildless--so why shouldnt I be able to still talk to my friends while we ran heroics? I'd been wanting to get a private server for a while now. So I did.

As I logged on, I got a hi from "Charlie" (anonimity here)--so I passed out the vent info, and we sat talking for a bit. We told some stories about the past, spoke of things to come...and when the topic of guilds came to the table, there was a sort of, pregnated silence--an unspoken solution, if you will. We had been looking for so long, but realized we were already home =)

Sated was born.

It was almost surreal. Word spread quickly, as if by some dark magic, whispers began appearing from the peaks of icecrown to the valleys of azeroth. And I stood, like kevin costner in a field of dreams-esque kinda way; they started to come.

Before I knew it, I had acquired 2 tanks, and 2 healers, and more would follow...

Guild Memorandum
Sated was created because by some divine intervention, a group of players that once loved to play together, had now split apart. We can't have any more of that.

A "guild", as defined by me, is a group of friends playing together with a common interest. And so it shall be (in big booming god-like voice).

Sated shall be home to good peeps, who enjoy playing together, gearing up, and progressing. All players shall be respectful and courteous to one another, and have fun playing dammit. There will be no negativity or finger pointing (unless its to laugh at someone), and players will occasionally be required to jump in and lend a hand when someone's gettin ganked.

This is our credo.

In all seriousness, I had no idea that things would move in this direction. But now, I'm glad they did. If you're looking for a hardcore, stalin-esque "you suck balls fix that chant" kind of guild, then sated is not for you. You will find that I am much more kick back, but organized none the less. When we're ready, we will focus on progression, and raids will be scheduled roughly around 9pm (like they used to be). I want people that enjoy playing together, that can have an open mind, discuss things from multiple points of view, and understand that true progression is sometimes measured in wipes.

In return, I promise that you won't find a more funner place to be =)

Thursday, August 13, 2009



This command isn't something I take very lightly, nor jokingly toy with. Truth be told, I've really only used it once before. Ever. As Ant and I levelled through the days of SM, we were approached by a guild that turned out to be unfriendly, not helpful, and full of pre-teens trying to cyber the one female that let her self be known: /GQuit was very easy to use back then...

Fast forward to the days of Honor and Glory--a guild that has been quite the opposite. Its full of friendly, knowledgable people; H & G is where I met the people that I really do consider friends now. We've ground heroics, bested Naxxramas, honed our skills, and ventured into Ulduar. For the most part, we've done all of this, and come out the other end, unscathed.

But as of yesterday (and I say this with a heavy heart), the Honor and Glory I once knew, is no longer.

Most of the players I enjoyed playing with have moved on, with a few exceptions--and the roster that I had once known inside and out, is filled with names and faces that I don't really recognize.


It was one of the most difficult calls that I've ever made.

In the end, WoW is a game. I play because its fun. I play because I enjoy the company of the people I play with. I guess you could say that I've grown attached to a select few--and the "fun" part of the game hinges on playing with them.

Maybe I just want to be with my friends.

I've been approached and have the opportunity to rejoin H&G and help to restore it to the tight-knit group it once was, but I just don't know if its in me to do so. The crew that I belonged to is all but gone, and I'm thinking that it may be time to make way for the new class.

For now, I'm guildless...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Raiding 101: So you think you can raid pt. 1

So you think you can raid is intended to be a n00bers guide to beginning raiding. Despite the title, the series will include useful tidbits of goodness that should prove useful to everyone.

You've dinged 80, grabbed up some purples in heroics, maybe a tier piece or two--and maybe even stepped foot into OS or Naxx once or twice. Now that your feet are wet (and even if they aren't), let's take a look at some ways to help make you a raiding pro:

1. Communication:
Is very important in raids (which is why it tops the list). Skilled raiders may be able to navigate on their own, but split second decisions, or call outs "hey get out of that retard circle!" could save a life, or even a wipe. Ventrilo is the preferred communications program for raiders everywhere, so download it, and make sure your mic is tested and functional before you begin the raid.

2. Deadly Boss Mods (DBM):
If you have no other addons, have this one. Will effectively give you enrage timers, special abilities, reminders, etc. on screen. Even if you know the fights, and all of the tells leading to a specific boss ability, this little addon is the icing on the cake.

3. Consumables/Reagents:
Feasts, Flasks, Pots, Reagents (kings, candles, etc.); stock up, and carry some on you at all times. You never know when you might need to pop a health pot to stay alive, or might need the added dps from a flask. Remember, one flask might not seem like a big advantage, but multiply all that added AP by the number of total DPS in the raid, and you'll see a big potential.

4. Class Specific Addons:
Unfortunately, I'm not proficient in every class, so you might need to do some research on for yourself. But, there are definitely some very useful class addons to help maximize your playing experience.

For example, Runewatch, for DK's, is a useful addon that graphically represents runic power, timers for the diseases, and unholy blight uptime. This allows me to see how long i have before i need to refresh diseases, and then adjust my rotation accordingly.

Another useful addon is Needtoknow: this one is a highly customizable bar frame that allows for multiple bars, and can monitor things like self or target buffs/debuffs. On my DK this addon tracks when "unholy strength" and "greatness" proc, which allows me to summon my ghoul during this time and maximize dps. On my hunter, it keeps track of my stings, and also Lock N Load (when I get there).

My suggestion is to search around in the class section, and see if anything there strikes you as having utility. While it may not be necessary to track these things, it certainly is an improvement.

5. Ask Questions
Don't hesitate to ask. Ever.
I'm hoping that leaders will discuss strategy and details before the pull, but if there's something you're unsure of, don't be afraid to ask--you might actually jog someone's memory on something they've forgotten =p

Player Spotlight: RALLIAN

About Rallian:
Coming up in the ranks of H&G as the next big thing, Rall's tanking skills leave little to be desired. I often think of the Prot Pally as Kallion's protege, however Rall is definitely his own man. So, if you're looking for an energetic, experienced tank, look no further. Oh--and you'll almost always see Rall as either a pirate or ninja. It's kinda like his trademark, so don't be alarmed =p

Shyste Asks:
What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
hmm... anything with chocolate usually tends to be tasty. I have a lot of favorites really

All time fave band/group?
well, I don't really pay attention to singers in a band
BUT, my favorite band, is by far, Dragonforce

What do you do for fun, other than WoW?
Visit with friends, they mean a lot to me. So I spend a lot of time with them. which is funny, cuz it's usually on WoW xD

Favorite Sport?
Soccer and tennis

Favorite 80's movie?
umm... idk, I wasn't really raised in the 80's and don't think I've really watched any movies from the 80's either... so yeah...

What do you do?
I currently work at target, from 2:30 am to about 8:00 am

Favorite Kool Aid flavor?
Raspberry lemonade

Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
damn... umm... probably One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish... because it's the one that sticks out the most in my head.

Favorite cartoon character?
Beastboy, from Teen Titans

Do you have a favorite WoW dance?
Human / Pirate dance =D

Favorite WoW moment?
Anytime I overcome incredible odds... it's like an achievement all in itself

Anything you;re looking forward to, in-game?
Gearing my pally, getting my lock to 80, and of course the next patch.