About Rallian:
Coming up in the ranks of H&G as the next big thing, Rall's tanking skills leave little to be desired. I often think of the Prot Pally as Kallion's protege, however Rall is definitely his own man. So, if you're looking for an energetic, experienced tank, look no further. Oh--and you'll almost always see Rall as either a pirate or ninja. It's kinda like his trademark, so don't be alarmed =p
Shyste Asks:
What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
hmm... anything with chocolate usually tends to be tasty. I have a lot of favorites really
All time fave band/group?
well, I don't really pay attention to singers in a band
BUT, my favorite band, is by far, Dragonforce
What do you do for fun, other than WoW?
Visit with friends, they mean a lot to me. So I spend a lot of time with them. which is funny, cuz it's usually on WoW xD
Favorite Sport?
Soccer and tennis
Favorite 80's movie?
umm... idk, I wasn't really raised in the 80's and don't think I've really watched any movies from the 80's either... so yeah...
What do you do?
I currently work at target, from 2:30 am to about 8:00 am
Favorite Kool Aid flavor?
Raspberry lemonade
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
damn... umm... probably One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish... because it's the one that sticks out the most in my head.
Favorite cartoon character?
Beastboy, from Teen Titans
Do you have a favorite WoW dance?
Human / Pirate dance =D
Favorite WoW moment?
Anytime I overcome incredible odds... it's like an achievement all in itself
Anything you;re looking forward to, in-game?
Gearing my pally, getting my lock to 80, and of course the next patch.
Rallian?! BWAHAHAHAH nah, he's doing really good. i've watched him a couple feet from his monitor, and he does some really impressive things. he'll keep working hard. and so will i. :)