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April 15, 2010

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fail Pugs are Fail

Ari said that it was national whiny blogger day--so I'm coming through in the clutch. All this shit happened in the last 2 days, mind you.

Three. 3. Tres.

The number of times we wiped in PoS when 2 fail heals joined our group. The first, a failadin who didn't quite understand how the rock mechanics worked on the first boss, and who definitely didn't know what bacon was...I watched his stacks grow and grow till they reset. I watched as everyones health dwindled to nothing. I watched get the picture. Oh, did I mention I was dead prior? Apparently, the fantastic melee shaman had found a way to aggro on one of those big skeletons in the zone, just as our tank pulled. I gripped it off the healer in time to save him, but paid the ultimate price...

Enter fail Priest (healer numero dos). Doesn't quite grasp the concept of tank damage on the ramp...twice.
At this point, I'm just appreciating the fact that the healers are taking the initiative to leave group themselves so we don't have to kick. Luckily, our guildie bear tank is main spec'd resto. He went heals, I went tank, and somehow, we made it look easy.

Forge of Souls: I'm healing. Pally tank is rushing through everything--everything's going really the first boss pull...he drops group. Dick. No warning. No DCing. He pulled the boss and left group. /Wipe.
Enter Warrior tank in 213/226 gear-- he's slow, but we get through it.

DTK-- yes, dtk. How can someone be fail in DTK, you ask? Lemme tell ya. Di's tanking on her Drood,  and I'm healing on the Pally. We get in, I buff, and theres a warrior a little slow to come in. He meets us at the pull, and the first thing he says is: "Pally. Crusader." I really give shit about my Aura in a 5 man? No. You wanna know why? Cause as long as someone doesn't do something stupid, I can heal the whole fuckin place with holy shock. No lie. I've done it even in HoS.

Anyway, I respond with "No. I like to go fast."
Thinking this would be funny...I then start to be lectured on how fail I am, and yada yada yada...and that he's got a 5k scored Holy Pally himself, and I'm fail cause I'm in PvP gear....
He got me there. I forgot to switch back.
I thank him for noticing.
I switch my spec, then change into my PvE set.
He immediately shuts the fuck up.
Since I changed spec, I need a new Aura.
"Hey Monster (the warrior), this one's for you."
Crusader Aura activated.



  1. Dude, Crusader is PRO.

    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  2. I had a rogue one time that kept screaming for a different buff - I'd give him kings, he'd scream for might, I give him might, he'd scream for kings.

    I solved it. I gave him mana.

  3. I am just gonna respond by saying read my post "Agreed"

  4. Oh, and how do you get all those cool links in your blog, I tried to link your post in mine, but it didnt
