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April 15, 2010

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shout! Shout!

Let it all out. These are the get the idea.

The Tears for Fears impromptu vent concerto is just one more of the many reasons to venture into the Ice Crown Citadel. And, if you've been, you probably know why. Trash is epically (sp?) fun. More so than Naxx used to be. And the overall feeling of the place--has more meaning I think. You've got the Ashen Verdict running around the place. It really feels solid.

Last night we went in with a mission, and pwn'd face in ways only Ash can describe. After 2 months of losing rolls to Buick, he finally threw me a bone and let me walk out with the Citadel's Claymore, which means I finally tossed out that hunter sword I was using. I rolled an 8 against him btw. He rolled a 67. Whatev. He gave it to me, I'm happy.

Anyway, we stumbled around a little bit in there--adjusting strats to suit our group. I wanted to impart a little bit of knowledge on ya'll, just to make it a wee bit easier.

Our 10-man Composition:
Druid, Warrior Tanks/ 2 Melee 3 Ranged DPS/ Druid, Priest, Shaman Heals

Burn Marrowgar. Bust player impales. Stop DPS before aggro dump. Repeat.
The fight mechanics themselves aren't too difficult--just remember the nuances of the fight and you'll be ok. I basically paired a healer and ranged DPS together, they spread 15 yds from eachother around the semi-circle in the room, tanks and melee in the center. This is so ranged can beak an impale of the healer next to them, and another group is close enough to do the same. Tanks need to be butt buddies on this one--and always move together. Remember he drops aggro after bonestorm, so DPS needs to stop and wait for tanks. If the tanks aren't close enough to eachother when one is picking him up, its game over. During Bonestorm, ranged just needs to stand where they are and take the whirlwind damage (they have a healer right next to them). Rinse and repeat =)

Lady Deathwhisper
Burn mana shield and adds. Focus Fire Sloth. Burn Deathwhisper. Interrupt frostbolt cast.
Group in the center of the circle. Tanks will split off to different sides of the room to aggro adds as they spawn. We Bloodlusted at the beginning, and all dps had a good 10 seconds to blow CD's and get to work. I had all dps burn adds quickly, and work on the mana shield during the downtime. She doesn't even come close to the 10 minute enrage this way. Adds after they're resurrected will get a shield that needs to be burned through, and occasionally Deathwhisper will turn an add into Sloth from the Goonies. Don't try to tank it, kite it and have ranged focus fire it down. Drop mana shield to 1 or 2 %, then when all adds are down, break it and have tanks pick it up. Burn her and interrupt all her casts. She casts on a nearly exact timer with mind freeze.

Gunship Battle (I'm on a Boat!!!)
Melee man cannons. Spam 1 then use 2. Kill the Frost Mage. Repeat.
Some strats tell you to split the raid and kite Bronzebeard on the Alli ship for the duration of the fight-- THIS IS RETARDED (Dee duh Dee) and highly unnecessary. Have melee on cannons DPSing the Alli ship--when the frost mage comes out (every 25%), the melee will be kicked from their frozen cannons. Have the 2 melee, a tank, and healer RocketJump to the Alli ship-- Tank kites Bronzy while the melee kills the mage. Takes 10 seconds. Once mage is down, jump back to horde ship, and get back on cannons. Rinse and repeat. Ranged dps a tank and 2 heals stay on horde ship and take down adds. EZ mode.

It was pretty late by the time we made it to Saurfang. He's the only one we weren't able to get down. I think the strat is gonna look something like this, though: Ranged at max range, Tank and melee stop dps at creature spawn, Ranged snare and dps the blood creatures. Got him to about 40%--but will definitely have him down either tonight or tomorrow.

Happy Hunting


  1. I'm hoping with the effing nerf to Marrowgar I'll be catching up to you. I am so pissed about the nerf.

  2. yeah-- we beat our heads on him a few nights ago. I dunno if we weren't focused or if he was actually hitting that hard. My tanks are all 2700 gearscored out, and have Epic heals behind em.

    Last night went off without a hitch. Still very heal intensive, though.

  3. That Marrowgar tactic sounds familiar ;)

    Good to see you got him down!


  4. Someone under level 10 on your server has my name. Bastard.

  5. My server?? I'm on EU-Sylvanas :P


  6. No, not your server, Kentos. Blood Furnace.
    I got super pissed off at my guild and considered making a jump.


    Check that strat out, it involves ranged being behind the lady deathwhisper.


  8. sorry that's:

    "ordnance" not "ordinance" in the link address.

