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April 15, 2010

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Drumroll Please.... 3.3 DK DPS Spec's

(Revised just for Ari=)

With 3.3 around the corner, I thought I'd lay this out for all you DK's out there. Scourge strike is back with a vengeance, and the new loot in 3.3 will make it easier than ever to make sure you're stat-weighted the way you want it =)

Let's dive in, shall we?

Unholy 17/0/54
This is a good time for us make me proud =p
Keep your 4 pc of T9 until you've accumulated 2 pc T10.
Pop your army 2x as much, watch boneshield at that 5 min mark.

Single Target:

Stat weights (after hit/expertise cap): Str>Crit>ArP

Blood 51/0/20-- Same as 3.2

Single Target:

Stat weights (after hit/expertise cap): Str>ArP


  1. *sniff*
    No Frost love?

    Can you toss in the Blood rotation or link back to your last post with it? And stat weights? Pretty please?

  2. Woot! I gotz an update just for me!

    So can anyone explain why PS before IT?
    IT has the better range... mind you both my DKs are under 65 so I've really only got solo experience here.

  3. There's a modifier...IT does more damage to diseased targets, hence, from a pure dps standpoint, its better to PS then IT.

    From a personal standpoint, I'm with you ari--there's not much difference, and I actually lead with IT as I'm running in, and to get my ghoul on the target.

  4. My DK is creaming the Outlands.
    I almost feel guilty.

  5. "Creaming the Outlands" and "playing one-handed"... this must be a DK thing.


    And Shyste suggested there was some mystery as to why the Apple keyboard sticks...

  6. Hey Ari, you in the market for a so-so Holy Pally that occasionally heals in his chef hat and has the tendency to DE the aromor off his back (and legs and hands)?

    I think I just kicked one


  7. Hey :)
    Being a Blood DPS DK myself I checked out your blood dps specc and I saw you have Night of the dead 2/2, but Ravenous dead 0/3.
    Now I'm not sure, but if you would stick those 2 points from Night of the Dead into Ravenous dead you would get 2% extra strength opposed to a longer cooldown on your ghoul and army... and since you don't really use your army in raids alot wouldn't that be better?
    Taudi; Level 80 DK Blade's Edge realm Europe

  8. @Taudi-- The DPS gain from NotD is more than the extra 2% strength; shorter CD and ghoul survivability goes a long way. I see how it's tempting to take, but the AP eqivelant just isn't close (30 str vs. Ghouls).

    For absolute maximum DPS, I'd be poppin' both as soon as they're available
    --especially in raids.
