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April 15, 2010

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Player Competency

So I was sitting in Dalaran last night, after the guild's second ToCr-10 for the week, chattin away with some guildies over vent, and spamming my recruitment macro over trade--when a trade chat discussion erupted:

"[Sated] is looking for seasoned raiders for ToCr and the upcoming ICC. Core positions available to tank-healers and competent dps (4k+)."

Trade1: "That's a word I don't hear nearly enough in trade. Competent."
Trade2: "Yeah, it's always the fail, LF non-fail blah blah blah."

I thought about that for a sec.

The two terms may be semantically similar (in-game), but they're actually completely different. As a GM, I'm not looking for "non-fail." I want competent. I want the "I-can-trust-you-to-know-what-you're-doing-and-get-the-job-done-so-I-don't-have-to-pick-up-the-slack-or-compensate-in-other-areas-of-the-raid-for-your-lack-of-(insert area here)" person.

I want people that come face to face with the wall...and barrel through that fucker without looking back.

Runners typically characterize "the wall" as a point in a run where they are inclined to shut down; to give up. Pothead's generally characterize it as one of Pink Floyd's more memorable albums. I tend to look at the wall as being the 3k dps barrier. Some players never seem to see the wall, let alone acknowledge that it was ever there. Others, no matter how much gear they obtain seem incapable of scaling it. This is an issue. And, I'm only mentioning dps here, but "the wall" also applies to healer through-put and tank efficiency. It's about wanting to be the best, standing out in the crowd--its about shining.

The Test
I was in 3 Ony-25 pugs this week. All failed. 20 wipes of geared players, hardly even making it to phase 3.

One of these attempts consisted of 5400 gearscored tanks and the respective healers from fairly known progressive guilds: these were known players. These were known players that failed at breaths and couldn't hit the consecrate button quick enough to grab welp-aggro...

Now let me tell you about our guild run.

I decided to take whatever members of Sated I had on. I didn't gearcheck. I also took members of our sort of sister guild, Deathgrip, some of whom I knew were undergeared. I had players in greens and blues with me in Ony 25.


Oh, and about 20% of the raid were first-timers.

Competency, as defined by me: being able to carry out a specific team strategy while performing your duties as a player. This may include, but is not limited to, being able to quickly adapt to a changing situation, communicate effectively with other raiders and team lead, and setting personal issues aside to the benefit of the team.

Sated wins.


  1. Good points... I hear you and agree. But there are gear limitations. At some point, the fight is too hard for the gear, no matter the skill. And you gotta prove the skill part. You don't get the benefit of the doubt on that one -- especially if you're under-geared.

    Some basic tests of an individual's raiding ability are discussed in my latest entry.

    All that being said: Sated wins.

  2. Why do you guys have to raid so late... I'm competent... /sigh

  3. Hehe...I don't know that I'm competent, but I got a mean grrr all joking aside though I hear what your saying.

  4. barrel through...

    i think getting the general to 20%ish when no one has ever done it before is a good testament. see you tomorrow night.

    put up some pictures when you can.

  5. @Ari-- maybe, just maybe, you guys should bring some alts to BF. 10-12 isn't THAT late. =p

    @Hazl--you mean like that time you DE'd your helm and had to heal ToC10 in a green one? Or that other time when you DE'd your pants and had to heal ToC10 bare assed? Or that other time you DE'd...

  6. Competent. It makes me sad that I know exactly what you mean, but the bulk of the raiders I meet are not competent. The ones I see that make the grade are highly valuable.

    Case in point (and self promotion): I ran the 3 new ICC 5 mans with short descriptions that lacked the elegance of detail. eg. Avoid rack, stand behind rock to cancel bad debuff.

    Yes, I had ready blogs and forums about the fights so knew a little. We went through the instances without issue, and almost all the team did nothing stupid.

    Top dps, and the guildies took it as read that basic instructions would be fine and I'd suss the rest.

    The rest of my pugs in that place have been a disgrace; with mainly the dps as the issue.
