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Monday, August 3, 2009

Raiding 101: So you think you can raid pt. 1

So you think you can raid is intended to be a n00bers guide to beginning raiding. Despite the title, the series will include useful tidbits of goodness that should prove useful to everyone.

You've dinged 80, grabbed up some purples in heroics, maybe a tier piece or two--and maybe even stepped foot into OS or Naxx once or twice. Now that your feet are wet (and even if they aren't), let's take a look at some ways to help make you a raiding pro:

1. Communication:
Is very important in raids (which is why it tops the list). Skilled raiders may be able to navigate on their own, but split second decisions, or call outs "hey get out of that retard circle!" could save a life, or even a wipe. Ventrilo is the preferred communications program for raiders everywhere, so download it, and make sure your mic is tested and functional before you begin the raid.

2. Deadly Boss Mods (DBM):
If you have no other addons, have this one. Will effectively give you enrage timers, special abilities, reminders, etc. on screen. Even if you know the fights, and all of the tells leading to a specific boss ability, this little addon is the icing on the cake.

3. Consumables/Reagents:
Feasts, Flasks, Pots, Reagents (kings, candles, etc.); stock up, and carry some on you at all times. You never know when you might need to pop a health pot to stay alive, or might need the added dps from a flask. Remember, one flask might not seem like a big advantage, but multiply all that added AP by the number of total DPS in the raid, and you'll see a big potential.

4. Class Specific Addons:
Unfortunately, I'm not proficient in every class, so you might need to do some research on for yourself. But, there are definitely some very useful class addons to help maximize your playing experience.

For example, Runewatch, for DK's, is a useful addon that graphically represents runic power, timers for the diseases, and unholy blight uptime. This allows me to see how long i have before i need to refresh diseases, and then adjust my rotation accordingly.

Another useful addon is Needtoknow: this one is a highly customizable bar frame that allows for multiple bars, and can monitor things like self or target buffs/debuffs. On my DK this addon tracks when "unholy strength" and "greatness" proc, which allows me to summon my ghoul during this time and maximize dps. On my hunter, it keeps track of my stings, and also Lock N Load (when I get there).

My suggestion is to search around in the class section, and see if anything there strikes you as having utility. While it may not be necessary to track these things, it certainly is an improvement.

5. Ask Questions
Don't hesitate to ask. Ever.
I'm hoping that leaders will discuss strategy and details before the pull, but if there's something you're unsure of, don't be afraid to ask--you might actually jog someone's memory on something they've forgotten =p

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