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April 15, 2010

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Monday, March 22, 2010

On the Subject of Getting Hacked

In the wee small hours of the morning (Sinatra anyone?) I was forced to  /gkick Hazl and his alts from the Sated roster.

I watched as he she depleted the GBank of epic gems, chanting materials, and pygmy oil.

I followed him her out to the Tournament grounds in Icecrown.

I watched as she stripped herself of her T10.

And then, as she stood there, naked, I watched as she proceeded to DE everything in her bag.

At first I thought to myself, "damn. Haz is DEing his shit again." It's nothing new. He's DE'd his current legs, gloves, chest. The GM's probably know him by name, he calls in so frequently.

I knew this was a special case though, when after he DE'd his shit, he put on crap PvP gear. Haz doesn't PvP on the Paladin.

At this point, I knew he had been hacked. I tried calling him. No response. I opened a GM ticket. They couldn't do anything for me. So I screenshotted his WoW-Heroes pages just in case.

And then I tried talking to the hacker.

Just a warning...
The conversation will probably offend many of you. It was early, and my anti-semitic/racist/obesist/cursing was really not on par.

Now that the disclosure's out of the way, Convo after the Break.

The ironic part about it all: the hacker tells me he loves me.

Haz woulda said the same shit o.O

Moral of the story: Buy an authenticator =)

1 comment:

  1. Thats some craziness, poor Hazl. Your choice of words though Chris were a lot nicer then mine would of been had I been there, I have the mouth of a sailor.
