At the time, we only had one Healadin (the Notorious Hazl...aka Father Time...aka Old Man River...aka "Walked with Jesus"...aka...Dirt), so I thought I'd help the guild out in the best way I knew how, and level mine to go Holy. All of my officers have alts. Geared alts. Some of them are better geared than I am =/. So I figured it was my
Leveling to 55 on this guy was a chore. It wasn't fun. I wasn't good at that time.
Fast forward to today. My Pally is specc'd Ret, he's a level 77--and I RAPE FACE.
It's just not fair how OP these assholes really are. Di (on her druid) and I will pull 15 mobs, I can heal as necessary, bubble if I get into trouble, regen mana at will, LoH whoever the fuck I's incredibly ridiculous.
Case in Point: Di and I 2-manned (and woman'd) the Pit at level 73....without having trained since 70. And I wasn't using Crusader Strike (I forgot about it till after I hit 77). Di seems to think its mostly due to the fact that we, ourselves, are just Pure Win....I think it's more that my Pally's an OverPowered Asshole.=)
Whatever the case may be, it's been refreshing seeing the world through another characters eyes. Don't get me wrong--I will always be a DK at heart...but this Pally concept is pretty interesting at the moment. The goal is to hit 80 this weekend and smash all over some random heroics till he's in T9. Wish
All these emotions welling up at once... Shystepally is an oxymoron! THE CONFUSION! Chris able to kill us via shitty tanking AND shitty healing? THE HORROR! Getting to "noob" him at will as he learns how to heal? THE THRILL! Sexy male pally for sexy female pally??!? TITILLATING! The obvious conjoined discomfort and glee as Chris pwns ally after badmouthing pallies for so long??? HAHAEFFINMUTHALOVINGHA!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck, Chris. And hurry the eff up already.
~ Hazl
BTW -- won't be on to raid 2nite till 9:30-10.
ReplyDelete~ Your Holy Healing Mentor, Hazl