
News & Updates

April 15, 2010

Welcome home, everyone. Welcome home...


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dude, where's my car?

I wanna take a minute to talk about backseat drivers.

They don't work.

You can't reach the pedals from back there.

And when you try, you really just frustrate the people in the front seat, watching you...

Last night in 25-ToC (yes, 25-Trial), there was some, well, confusion, or, disagreement (among officers, no less) while we attmepted (yes attempted) The Twins the first time. Let me preface by saying that I played absentee for the first few fights. Serious lag had caused me to troubleshoot, delete game folders, re-configure addons, etc...I fought on Jarraxus, and then bowed out for a couple of Champs wipes. But, I came back, and was good to go.

Anyway, after 3 wipes on champs, I was able to get back in, and we downed em fairly easily. On twins though, well, things started to get hairy. Darth called for the one group strat that we always run; this is the only way we've ever been successful on 25. I watch as people don't stack, and some are running around getting orbs--we wipe. Here's where it all comes to the forefront. All of a sudden, the stacking model doesn't work. We need to try something different. I don't understand this. Why deviate from normal practice? Why deviate from the only method we were ever successful with on a consistent basis? And why argue about it over officer chat? That's what gets me. ToC: old news, proven strategy. Why are we all of a sudden wanting to change? Who's leading the raid?

Sometimes people just need to execute better. Case in point: Faction Champs. There were 3 wipes last night with no change in strat.

The difference between a success and a wipe: execution.

After all the latency issues and disconnects, I just really wasn't in the mood to re-justify the single group model-- we used the 2 group method, and downed em (with 90 sec till enrage). I just find it funny that people will go and question one strat after one wipe, when it was the most efficient way of doing it when the content was current. Oh well.

Needless to say we lost a few peeps lst night.

LF Competent 5k+ DPS to fill out our 25 again.


  1. I know that I have my own guild now, although its mostly filled with alts of me and Firesong, but I would like to let you know that I have been working on getting my rogue geared by doing the daily RH almost everyday and my DK to 80 (just 7 bars to 76 now, and still in the blue).Though here lately I've been wishing I had some guidance on tanking. Had an issue the other day while tanking Reg HoS, but that story will be posted to my blog in a few days. Fire and I are anticipating the day when we make our full come back to WoW, and I hope I will still be able to raid with you all, even though I'm sure I still hold the record amount of deaths in

  2. Amorgan--we could always use another good rogue, we have 2 ICC-10's to fill out with consistent players...

    I'm working on a DK tank post that should be up this week--but if you want some pointers in the meantime, just jump in vent with us--I'll either be on the DK or the Pally
