That being said...
I don't think I like the way T9, ilvl 232 gear has become patch 3.3's quest blues. Actually, I know I don't.
You're probably asking yourselves, "why?" Right? There are sooo many pros to it...easier to gear alt's, don't have to worry about winning rolls, yada yada yada--yeah, I like these aspects of the system, too.
But I hate it. And here's why::

Tier 7 was money; you saw a player in Tier gear you knew they had the chops to best patchy, the horsemen, KT. Now, everyones runnin' around with tier gear, and it's troublesome to get a raid going and see a player 5/5 T9 struggling to break 2.5k.
Here's my solution: Attunement.
Create a weekly raid for the current tier of content. Example: Create a quest chain to go in and kill Saurfang. Make the reward an attunement token--not necessarily something that can be redeemed, but that will grant you access to purchase Tier gear (like reputation unlocking a quartermaster). This way, when you see someone running around with Tier pieces, you know they had to work for it: they've passed a "bar" of sorts.Then, when you're making a raid sometime later, you don't have to /facepalm yourself over and over because a player is completely underwhelming you.
ReplyDeleteOh, wait. I agree. Dammit, am I an elitist too, now?
Yes. Yes you are. lol