I wasn't involved in the initial offering of the group--but his pug, with no vent, one-shotted the beasts, 2 shotted jaraxis, and made a couple attempts at the champs. It started falling apart here.
There were 6 or 7 spots open, so he turns to guildchat to find some more. I coerce some of the geared players, and we jump in to help. I post up the vent info, and he asks me to talk strategy to the raid.

Cue the winners:
Winner#1-- 4300 Gearscored DK who says he doesn't need to get in vent cause he knows the fight.
I say, "really? Explain your role." No Response.
/rw Get in vent if you want to roll on loot
DK Leaves. 1 wannabe raider down.
So I pair people up for CC cycles. We have enough CC in the raid to legitimately make this easy. couple locks, couple mages, couple boomkins...right? Wrong.
Pull the shammy to start the fight. No one interrupts but me. He heals. He heals. Others are running rampant, CC appears non-existent. Wipe.
Try #2. Go over pairings again, reiterate single target dps, get a good feeling and....same shit. This time I noticed a ret-failadin consecrating over all the CC'd mobs. /facepalm.
Cue "Winners" #2,3,4,5,6,
Winner#2--Says something about splitting the raid up to dps multiple targets. I ignore him.
Winner#3--wants to put a tank and healer into each group and all take on different targets. He's done this before, he assures me it'll work. I'm somewhat amazed that his group took 5 tanks to 25 toc. I actually call him retarded over vent.
Winners#4,5,6-- Decide they want to blame the wipe on me--because although I'm topping dps chart, and have done the fights one handed before (true story), apparently I'm a fail leader.
I wished them luck, left the raid, and kicked them from my vent.
Moral of the story: There are soooooo many "winners" out there that we can learn from. Remember, "winners" are like you and me....but better. So we should definitely listen and take heed to their ingenious, cutting-edge strategies. Who needs vent??!! If they say we can do without, by all means, vent is probably just a waste of RAM anyway. The next time you run 25 ToC, be smart about it. Get 5 tanks in there so when you hit the champs its smooth sailing...
You've done them one-handed? But then, what were you doing with your other... er... oh.
You sick, sick bastard.
ReplyDelete-50 DKP