
News & Updates

April 15, 2010

Welcome home, everyone. Welcome home...


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Last night, after sending 2 groups into ICC10, there were a few in Sated that were left out of the action. I even saw a few statements in g-chat that posed the question: how do I get a raid invite?

Let me preface by saying, I hate leaving people behind. It sucks. I know it. But, unfortunately, I can't control who no-shows, and I can't regulate how many we have on, on any given raid night. What I can do, is offer up vent space, resources, strats, friends from my friends lists etc, to help the odd numbered out players, if they wish to get a group going. In the realm of 10 mans, this is what we got.

That being said, as we have more and more log on for 25's, eventually the officers and I will assess the player base that we have, and create a CORE 25 consisting of the best raid configuration possible.

You want an invite?

Here it is as blunt as I can be:

  • First spots are reserved for Officers. Not only becuase they are consistently on, helping guildies, working their asses off to ensure we have flasks, chants, gems, mats, etc. But also because they know how to get the job done. And in the end, being able to execute is key.
  • You need to be the best in your class. And by this, I don't just mean beating up recount. I mean, knowing what's going on with your class, being able to execute multiple, prioritized- objectives, correctly gemming and enchanting your gear, being able to take initiative and pick up slack if needed.
  • You need to have a raid ready setup; have flasks, pots, other consumables, DBM or Deus Vox up and ready, mic plugged into vent--if you want to run current tier 25's, these things are a necessity.
  • DPS/HPS/AVOIDANCE-- if you're in full T9 and only pulling 2k dps in heroics, there's a problem here. Figure it out. Similarly, the mana pool and healing throughput for ICC25 requires gear to be on par for the raid level. If you're having mana issues, gear up. Tanks, the more health and mitigation you have the better. If you're wanting to tank with an avg gear score of ilvl 219-- you need to gear up more.
You basically need to prove yourself. An invite to Sated doesn't equate to a raiding spot. Show me that you're dedicated, that you can follow direction, that you have what it takes to succeed. You want your gear to rival the server's best; then act like the server's best. Be on and ready to go 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Think another heroic run might be cuttin it close? Opt out of the heroic, and take a few minutes to read up on the encounters, strats, watch the vids, etc.

The difference between casual and cutting-edge raiding:
Dedication, Consistency, Communication, Resiliency.

As a GM I'm looking for a group that is skilled, dedicated, and consistent. If you can meet these requirements, you just might make the cut.


  1. First off Chris, it does suck having to pick and choose people, but you made it very blunt, but hell, i'd be even more blunt. how? should put this info on the guild info. people need to know that people that go aren't just people that you know, but people that can get it done, and know how to improve to get it done. we can make more 10 mans, we can switch people out, but there is no reason to try and take someone that is not doing well, and i'll be damned if i have to carry someone through a raid. i bet all our officers feel the same and...(heh, i dont' think i'm an officer xD) and you do too. raids aren't jokes, and it takes more than just burning the boss. talk to you when you get on today, i've got some things to go over with you about 25 mans and um...our raid movies (i happen to be very good at speaking to an audience, or at the very least let me write you a script man!)


  2. Haha. Yeah, uhhhhm, this is pretty bad. Didn't sound so shitty at 2.30 this morning. lol.

    Next time it will definitely be scripted, and hopefully captured from a better machine.

    Maybe we can collaborate on some.
