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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Alienware Debacle: From M17 Stuttering to Just Under the CEO

For those of you following my little WoW blog over the past couple of months, you've inevitably seen a post or two concerning the problem I've been facing with my Alienware M17--that I just received in September.

Now, playing on this machine is a far cry from the 11" macbook that I levelled on. With Crossfire disabled, one HD4850 along with the quad-core handle Dalaran at full load at about 50-60 fps.

The Issue
At first, the audio/video stuttering was very infrequent--happening once a week for the first month. Friends had thought that it might be a memory leak associated with Vista's sidebar. After that first month though, the problem became progressively worse, and now its a nightly occurence.

Internet research points to a number of possible causes, and traces the stuttering back to quad-core only rigs (apparently core 2 duo machines don't suffer from it). The most widely-accepted cause is heat related; the heatsink on the quad isn't adequate without some sort of aftermarket compound--some modders even going so far as to creating a copper shim to dissipate heat even further.

Whatever the problem may be, the one thing it should not be, is present in a Brand New Alienware M17 gaming rig.

The Solution: Or Lack Thereof
Over the course of a week, I spent 4 nights and 12 hours with different AW Tech's remotely controlling my M17; testing, reinstalling, flashing, etc. The results of all these tests was that the machine was running too hot. On the 4th night of said tests, at approximately the 12th or 13th hour of remote access, I was given an RMA number, and a return address label.

For 4 weeks my NEW M17 sat at their repair facility. I called after week one because I hadn't heard anything. Was told that it successfully endured the trip there--but no notes could be found on it. Only after I explained the issue did the Tech say that they would check heatsinks and temps, blah blah blah. Called on week 2 to find the prognosis: nothing. Not that they hadn't found anything, but that they didn't know where my machine was, and didn't have any notes. After an hour long wait, it was decided that my M17 was now en route to another facility in Florida. Third call on week 3 lead me to believe that they were replacing heatsinks and video cards...cause that's what the guy on the phone said. But then I got an interesting email. It was a request for more info, because they could not replicate the problem. I immediately called in to provide support, and although the sender of said email could not be located, another Tech took down my information.

Later that week, I received the M17, unannounced, along with a work related shipment. Inside was a note, detailing the work they did.

Alienware did Nothing.

So I started calling.

I didn't pay $2700 for a gaming rig that has audio/video stuttering. Thats ridiculous. What's worse, is that they did nothing to fix it. 4 weeks. 4 weeks it was at their repair facility, and they did absolutely nothing. I don't think that Alienware has any way to track customer relationships; what I mean is, the average length of time it takes any Tech to find out any information for you: 35 mins (after 30 minutes of waiting before anyone answers). Its like they physically walk down to the lab, look for a machine with your name on it, and read the sticky note attached...

I request a replacement or a refund. I'm cited a 30 day return policy by 3 or 4 people. I guess they have a very long chain of command. It takes me basically chewing some guy out to get an "escalated response."

It takes a few days, but here's what I get:

"My name is Charles Mamakos and I work for Alienware’s Critical Issues Department. I am contacting you regarding the issue your system is experiencing. I would like to offer you a VIP repair as well as expedite shipping. This repair would have the system go to our repair facility and moved to the top of the repair queue. Once repairs are complete I would have the system shipped to me here in our Miami HQ so that I may personally inspect the repairs and thoroughly test the system. If I find any fault with the system I would personally correct this issue before shipping it back to you. "

I try calling. No answer. I leave a voicemail. I get no call back. I respond via email:


Thank you for your response in this matter-- I left a voicemail for you yesterday (Tues 23rd), but understand you must be busy.

Thank you for your offer for a "VIP" repair, but at this junction, that is simply not enough. Your technical advisors have spent more than 15 hours testing, reinstalling and troubleshooting software remotely, and had a month to diagnose and correct the issue. This was not done. Actually, nothing was done (as stated on the note that arrived with my machine). And, on top of my M17 not being fixed or re-certified, each member of your support team had a different story to tell me when questioned about its status during its month-long stay. I purchased from Alienware because of its reputation--but after this experience, it will be easy for me not to recommend the company to anyone. I have never experienced worse customer service from any major retailer.

The fact of the matter is, the M17 I purchased is faulty. The problem first occured within the first 30 days of my taking receipt of the M17--and after countless attempts to fix it, it is still having its moments of adio/video stuttering. At this point, I am seeking restitution in the form of a new, comparable replacement (since the M17 is no longer purchasable on your website), or a full refund. I personally don't think that's too much to ask.

If you, yourself are incapable of rectifying this matter, please forward this email to someone that can."

The Nut-flexing(testacles) ensues:

"Hello again,
Your only option at this point would be to have the system brought in for repair. I understand that the system is still very new but this is the only option available.

You have reached the highest level of customer support available. I work under the office of the CEO.

Please let me know if you would like to proceed in this manner.
Thank you"


Apparently I've reached the pinnacle of Alienware's Customer Support, which just happens to be, well....none.

The shit part about this is, is that it's not only happening to me. There are others out there experiencing the same negligible "customer support" from this company. The stuttering issue is all over the internet--from forums to blog posts, many people experiencing this issue and having their computers returned to them, only to find that nothing had been repaired.

I have one thing to say about it. It's a known issue. It's happening to hundreds (if not thousands) of people. Something is poorly designed, and its fucking up. All over the place. Take a stand for what your name used to stand for, and make things right with all of us. As a retail banker, I understand the importance of customer relationships--and I refuse to sit idly by and let this douchebaggery commence.

Fix it.

[Fast Forward to 3 minutes in...]


  1. Start at 3:02 into the video:

  2. So if it gets to the point where we storm their HQ... do I bring my own torch and pitchfork or will they be provided?

    A company is not measured only by how often things go well, they are measured just as strongly by how they respond when things blow up.

    Knock on wood, so far my experiences with Newegg have been favorable.

  3. Yeah-- I actually decided to buy from them because of their rep. I have friends who absolutely love em.

    Wasn't until I started getting jerked around over the phone that I started to get angry about the situation. The return, un-repaired, was the petting of the burning dog.

  4. you would only get a new machine if you problem is replicated and has been sent to depot 5 times because of the same problem. if you only sent your computer back once and they cant replicate your problem your totally out of luck. Send your computer to charlie for VIP treatment. He knows what hes doing but hes impossible to get to hold of.

  5. Well, thats gonna be a problem, then. I can document the problem nightly, and I have--with several youtube vids-- but if they're not gonna take some initiative and do some "real application" testing other than the spinning donut test--they probably won't see it.

    5 hours of the furry donut didn't yield anything but a CPU @ 110 degrees C.

    Log into a game, jump on some real testing. Most nights, I can replicate the problem in less than 20 minutes.

    "Out-of-Luck" is not acceptable on a $2700 NEW M17...

  6. my laptop was 3200.00. took them 5 times for them to do anything. a bit ridiculous but thats unfortunately how they work.. boo =(

  7. replacing it will only go so far, I had my m17 replaced and now I can actually work on it but with the audio and latency studders I am in the same boat as all other proud owners of their m17. I just use the $3k laptop for internet search, what a shame, had mine for 6 months now, well 2 months after exchange.

  8. So I had these stuttering video/audio on my m17. I was in iraq though and I wasn't going to lose my only source of entertainment for a few months while they pretend to fix it. I read somewhere that keeping your power settings on High performance, and when the stuttering starts just unplugging and plugging back in the power cord in the back seems to stop the symptoms for awhile. In fact, its been a few months since i have seen any of the stuttering.

  9. this is b.s alienware FIX IT!!!!!!!!!

  10. Had the same customer service experience with Alienware myself. Never got any satisfaction, finally they had me send it in, had it for a month, wiped my C drive, and replaced the power supply. This is of course after they had me gut the damn thing and put it back together AND sent a tech out to replace the motherboard. Worst customer service I've ever experienced and I will NEVER buy another PC from them.

    Meanwhile my Gateway FX laptop right out the box works like a freakin dream for 1/3 the price.........
