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April 15, 2010

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

LFR: Looking for Raiders

I dislike running 10 mans.

Let me rephrase.

I dislike the fact that certain items are only available to 25 man groups: trinkets, weapons, etc.
I think this is a dumb philosophy. Mostly because for smaller guilds, and guilds building a foundation of raiders (like Sated), sometimes 25 just isn't feasible. Does that make 10 man raiding any less end-game? I mean, if yoggy dies in 10 and again in 25, is there any other difference besides HP pool?

Currently I'm a little peeved at the fact that I'm forced to pug 25's in order to properly upgrade.

I'm talking ToCr here.

Don't get me wrong, clearing 10 each week has helped boost my stats, but when it comes down to true weapon and trinket upgrading, there just is nothing in 10 itemized for melee. The expertise trink is bleh, and the sword is right proper for a where's all the melee love???

It's in friggin 25. Or Heroic ToCr(hard mode, better known as ToGCr 10).

I'm venting.

I need more raiders. I need more competent 2500+ geared raiders. To fill our 9.30 -12pm CST time slot. That's the one thing that kinda sucks about a low pop. server: player pool.

So, if you're looking for a great group of people, hop on over to Sated on Blood Furnace.


  1. No, no, no.

    You're supposed to all come over to my server.

    Drak'Tharon-US PvP

    You know you want to.

  2. But Blood Furnace is so quaint...and horde friendly =p

    You should DEFINITELY come here. LoL

  3. I think at this point we outnumber Alliance 3 to 1. Sure seems that way. Last time I looked at the census data there wasn't enough from the Ally side to be considered relevant.

  4. I 2nd Arioch's notion that you come to Drak'Tharon and play with us. Bring your best 10 with a couple stragglers and we'll combine our best ten with a couple stragglers and we'd have a solid 25 man raid. =p

  5. Hmmm...Intriguing.
    what time do you raid? We're night owls and don't start till around 10 pm CST (well, I'm not. I'm a west-coaster =)

  6. Central Time Server also.

    We're supposed to start at 7 server but have not been lately. The original guild members are east coast and central so want that early time, but they seem to be wrapped up in real life stuff at the moment. The people that are attending are west coast so I've started pushing the raids back.

    Progression is currently slated for 7:30 server and the other raid leader starts his at 8 or 8:30.

    We're probably not *quite* late enough for you guys.

  7. Hey if either of you guys need a holy/disc priest you should hit me up. i don't have the link for my armory or wowheroes. If you want you can look up Kendrak- US - Cho'Gall PvP.

  8. @Kendrak Are you available to raid during our timeslot? Shoot me an email...could use another Heal for our 25 mans =)

  9. Too bad you're on an American server... I live over here in The Netherlands... Always wanted to check out the horde side of things but I wont be able to raid because of the time difference :(

    Best of luck with the recruitment!

