1. GM rank (thats me)
2. Co-Founder (Diona)
3. Officer
4. Raider
5. Goonie
6. Ninja
7. Pirate
8. Chunk
9. Sloth
Di and I more or less share the same abilities. She's a great person, trustworthy, and a tremendous asset (even though her friggin cpu is broken atm).
Officers are persons that I consider to be intelligible advisors. They have proven themselves to be adult, fair, and supportive--they are definitely people to refer to with questions regarding classes, abilities, game mechanics, etc. And, they all have the ability to lead a well-run raid. Officers have the power to invite and /gkick, as well as full access to all bank tabs.
A Raider, by my definition, is a player that is geared to raid and has proven their ability to do so. With the exception of the gem tab, they have full access to all other functions, including editing officer and public notes, etc.
Now for the fun news: All other ranks with the exception of Sloth, are identical. I don't really see the need to change the limitations 9 different ways--but I wanted to have a fun set of ranks all the same. Pirates and Ninjas (and Goonies) is just plain cool. =)
In regard to rank design, I wanted access to go where access belonged. Gbank tabs 1 and 2 are filled with glyphs, pots, mats, etc for everyone to use, Tab 3 houses the guilds gem supply, and Tab 4 contains raiding items such as fish feasts, epics, patterns, etc. Eventually, I'd like to keep enough item enhancements there so that no one ever needs to use an AH (ie. leg armor, spell thread, etc.). Most of you know by now, that gems and enchants are yours free, so long as we have the mats, and theres usually not a problem. Hazl generally keeps enough enchanting mats for a small army, and we typically have enough blue quality gems for everyone (epics slowly building up). So don't hesitate to seek someone out if you need something =)
Free is the SATED way.
Quote: "Officers are persons that I consider to be intelligible advisors. They have proven themselves to be ADULT, fair, and supportive"
ReplyDeleteI see how it is Chris. ADULT, fair, and supportive. No love for Nagu the leetkid