
News & Updates

April 15, 2010

Welcome home, everyone. Welcome home...


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sated: Ignis Guild First!!!

Last night Sated ventured into Ulduar, after picking up more of its core players, and the results couldn't have been better! 6 Bosses downed in less than 2 hours...No wipes, and 6 deaths total.

And, the best part about it all: Sated one-shot Ignis!

That fire-crotch bastard has given us hell when we attempted him--but last night, we RickRolled him easier than the police bustin' up a highschool kegger. It was a beautiful sight. Sated is here.

1 comment:

  1. Grats guys! And grats on Jaraxxus!
    Sorry I haven't been on, I haven't had any time at all to get on and hang out with you guys. Will try to get on later.
