
News & Updates

April 15, 2010

Welcome home, everyone. Welcome home...


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


First off I wanna say that I am very proud to see Sated accomplish so much in just a short amount of time. Every night I am more and more amazed--we're doing something that we've never been able to get done before, and it feels reeeeally good. Last week we mowed over everything in Uld up to Mimiron... and this week I'm hoping to see Yogg.

What I really want to know, is what YOUR Expectations are.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I look at all the things in this game to be accomplished, and I'm ready to set out and get em--titles, achieves, boss killings, gnome rapings, etc.

What I'd really like to see this week:
*Yogg Saron
*Faction champs down

So what do You want out of the game? Out of the site? Any comments and ideas are greatly appreciated!


  1. I would like to get a title (besides jackass). I have never done EOE successfully, and I think it would be cool to have a bunch of people running together, all with the title "Champion of the Frozen Wastes".


  2. Personally, I want to (1) change Hazl's second spec to tank and gear that spec up, and (2) level Aldoraine, my 71 hunter.

    For the guild, I'd like to see us (1) finish 10Uld, (2) progress in ToC, (3) 2D (and eventually 3D) Sarth, and (4) go with Whoa's suggestion of getting some guildies the CotFW title.

  3. I want to have more DPS! MOARRR, MOARRR

    I want the "of the Nightfall" title. Which means we have to do 3 drakes!

    I want all my toons to be 80. :(

    I want the guild to have ToC on farm. And I don't think Bok and me will get the CotFW title unless we clear Naxx. D:
