[Shystechris & Redeemur]
I'm finding out though, that in 2's, even with my not-so-epic gear and 12/0/59 unholy spec, we're not doing too bad. At the end of our first week, our record is 22-19 and we have a 862 rating. We've come across some decently geared teams, and have had some very close matches. Really, the only difficult teams we've encountered have been gnome magex2 and druidx2... stealth and mirror images blasted us down quick.
For most other teams, we've done ok. I have extremely good luck with pet classes: other DK's, Locks, Huntards. They become exceptionally weak once their pets are down--last night, I zerg'd down a pet, then hunter, then waited out a pally. Me v. Pally, living through bubbles, deathstriking and death-pacting to stay alive...and I took his ass down with about 300 HP left.
Can't wait to get some Arena points and some new gear =)
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