After waiting a good 25 min for the group to fill, and pass gear checks (which takes me to a whole separate issue altogether), we rolled into Vault, buffed up, and started working on trash. Took the first mob with very little difficulty, other than an over zealous huntard firing the pull before the tank pulled for threat. /dead huntard. We moved on the the second pull at the center room, no issue there other than a couple still managed to die somehow...and here is where things get, err, dee-duh-dee (fuckin retarded).
While healers are rezzing the few dead (2 or 3), DPS is down on the steps to Emalon, and that retarded-assed hunter is shooting at the trash again??!! Really? You F*@#$ing moron.
I left.
Which brings me to the whole "gear check" issue. So one of the tanks is doing a gear we spot in greens and blues is immediately kicked--Darth is worried cause his shammy is in blues and one or two purps, but makes the cut all the same. And then I spot another DK. Not geared too badly, mostly 10-man stuff, few blues left, some odd stat choices....and Darth tells me to look at his spec.
71/0/0: He's 100% Full-on, No holding back or going for any other dps talents, Blood.
He specced into everything but
Now, if you look at my armory profile, you'll see that I have re-specc'd some (lemme check for accuracy) 38 times. You read that right. I can honestly say that I know every single talent in every they work, how they compliment each other. I've raided in blood and unholy. I've heroic dps'd in frost--so 38 re-specs have to do with theorycrafting different builds, swapping talents, testing.
You can't honestly tell me that anyone could possibly think that a 71 point pure blood build is raid viable. If you're a DK and you plan on raiding, please, please, please do some research. There are already enough of us, don't run around tarnishing our good name.
Oh, and please wait for tanks to pull and generate threat before you dps. /ftw
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