
News & Updates

April 15, 2010

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Monday, September 21, 2009

BrewMaster Shyste....almost

I'm probably gonna get shot for posting this, but I think its crazy ridiculous. After 48 hours of Brewfest, I've managed to procure not only Direbrew's Remote, but also BOTH limited-edition, commemorative, Brewfest mounts: Great Brewfest Kodo, and the Swift Brewfest Ram =)
Needless to say, they guys are pretty jealous of my awesome 1/6 drop rate =p

El Ramador
El Beer Kodo
I know this was uber lucky this go 'round, so good luck to everyone still looking for em. 2 more achievements to go before I'm officially Brewmaster.

1 comment:

  1. /target Shyste

    Gratz and I hate you. In a nice way.
