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Monday, April 27, 2009

How to be a Better Player

I read an interesting post today from a Guild Leader/MT that was titled, "How to be an Ensidia player."

For those of you that don't know-Ensidia is the #1 Raiding Guild in the world. They took the honors of world-first Yogg Saron kill, and have some of the greatest players the game has ever seen. Anyone that raids, or is interested in end-game, would generally jump at the chance to play with the best. Sadly, many of us are not quite on that level. So this post dedicated to each of us finding our way there:

How to be a Better Player

1. Research. Research. Research.-- Find a site you can trust, with members that are interested in bettering themselves. Where methods are tried and tested, and where members have accomplished information to share.

2. Ask for Criticism-- And be able to handle it. Do you know a better (DK, Mage, Hunter, Pally [insert class here])? What are they doing different? What are they doing the same? Keep an open mind, and listen to what they have to say. See if what they're telling you matches up to #1 (above).

3. Be the Best [insert class here]--This doesn't mean acting like the best, or holding a few hundred dps over someone's head. It means knowing your class inside and out. Can you re-spec without looking at a cheatsheet? Do you know why/how your talents compliment eachother the way they do? Learn all the fights, be able to take control of your situation. Being the best doesn't just mean spamming buttons for a spec and rotation that someone else has laid out for you. The best players know why their rotations work, and are able to improvise during fast fights and unexpected situations.

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